17 - Evening Party at Salender Mansion - Part 3

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Now, while I am in the women's powdering room, I want to tell you about the small boxed rooms behind me. They're quite... amazing... actually, it's beyond me how it all works, and sadly not quite something I am in a position to find out. Still.

First of all, instead of just a hole in the ground, they are like a tall chair you sit on, made of a clay like substance. The reason for the material, is because there is water in it. It 'flushes' they call it.

To be quite frank with you, their sewage system is... incredible... they have 'running water' for these toilets, that they have servants fill up every day. The most amazing part is that this thing is not exclusively for nobles. It is there in common households.

The amount of money used on these luxury toilets seem... impossible... and unreasonable.

Still, from my queen's training I know enough to say that it is worth it in the big cities. The statistics do not lie. Their sickness and epidemic ratio is incredibly low.

Furthermore, this 'running water' is there for 'sinks' as well where you wash your hands. The water for the baths are later used for the toilet, and the pipes to everything seems to be connected.

And while on the subject of baths! I was always of the understanding that foreigners bathed rarely. They were always so amazed with our cleaning habits... still, here bathing daily or every second day appears to be the standard, even for commoners.

Everyone here are quite clean and well smelling. It's like something out of another world. I suppose the writer of this story must have been incredibly fixated on the problem of cleanliness for something like this to happen...

Ultimately... I come to the conclusion that this may not be entirely the same world I was born in previously... something like this is... too much, to be realistic. Of course, though I rant, I do not find this place that unpleasant... their annoying gender roles aside...

Well, for now it seems like I have ranted enough over such an unclean subject... I just feel that something so important as a sudden difference in toilet etiquette should not be left unsaid. It is a huge change after all. Just imagine a person used to this being reincarnated into a place without these things.

I'm sure the pretty ladies would faint the first couple of times.

Now, let's head back to the party and put this subject out of our minds and pretend it didn't happen. After all, surely Ladies have no need for doing such natural things.


The Salender mansion is truly magnificent. As I mentioned before it is built near the edge of a cliff, with part of the garden facing the ocean.

What makes it truly incredible, is their access to chalk. Several of the cliffs and large areas of the Salender territory has large amounts of chalk built up, enough to create some rather lovely vividly blue pools of water, which also acts as a tourist attraction.

Furthermore, this chalk has been used in the creation of the Salender mansion itself. The walls are painted with chalk, leaving the mansion purely white, indoors and outdoors. To break the white, their carpets, curtains, banners and other little things shine with a brilliant red color and it appears as though they have gone through enormous effort to make sure the rims of every red object is golden.

The halls are tall, but unlike ours it is less gothic and more... majestic... if one were to guess, one would say they were trying to show off their incredible wealth, which should be second to only very few dukes. Not even the Listere family can come close to comparing.

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