Part 2

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

As you were crying your eyes out, you got a text from Dean.

" Goodnight bae. Love you." He said. You started crying even more.

" I have to talk to you tommorrow meet me at the park." You texted back.

" What's wrong?" He asked with a sad face emoji.

" Nothing, I'll just see you tommorrow. I don't need a ride, I'll walk." You texted back.

You spent the rest of the day crying, you still didn't know what to tell Dean. Tell him about his child, and ruin his future. Or keep it to yourself and break up with him tommorrow and give him a chance to live his life. Once you came to a conclusion it was already morning and time to meet Dean at the park. 

You brushed you teeth, fixed your hair, and got dressed.

You wore this.

You grabbed your phone and headed out the door

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You grabbed your phone and headed out the door. Once you got to the park you saw Dean on his phone sitting on the bench. You walked up to him and sat down next him.

" Hey babe. What did you want to talk about?" He asked you.

" I... I... I don't know how you'll take this. Or if you'll even let me go. Or if you'll let me go and leave me alone about it." You said.

" What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

" I am talking about the fact that I am leaving you. I can't do this anymore." You said starting to cry.

" You are joking right, because if you are this is so not funny." He said.

" No, I'm not joking I am dead serious." You said with a straight face.

" Is it your parents? I can talk to them, I've changed." He said grabbing your hands. He was making this harder.

" No, it's not my parents. This is all me. I am breaking up with you. I have to go." You said, you didn't want to look at his face any longer. He was gonna make you ball out crying.

" Don't leave me, I love you." He said crying.

" I love you too, that's why I have to leave you." You said snatching your arm away and walking back home. You tried to keep your tears held back. You couldn't even believe what you just did.

Once you got home and opened the door, you saw your mom sitting on the couch with a pregnancy test. You started to get scared.

" Care to tell me what the hell this is about Y/N?!" She said yelling.

" No, I don't even know what that is." You said trying to pretend like you didn't know what was going on.

" Well, I found it in your room. This is a pregnancy test, it was on the counter in your room. I found it when I was cleaning your room. Why the hell do you have a pregnancy test in your room? And why the fuck is it positive!" She asked standing up.

" Mom, just hear me out." You tried to say.

" No, have you been having sex? Fuck the question, I know you have. You are 17, a teenager. And you are pregnant. You haven't even graduated high school yet. Why the hell are you having sex at this age?" She asked you. Your eyes started to tear up. What was she gonna do?

" I'm sorry mom." You said.

" Save it, I don't care who you were having sex with. What I care about is you didn't tell me. Nor were you going to either. Would you keep it a secret till your belly started to show?" She asked.

" No, I was gonna tell you." You said.

" No you weren't. You know what get the fuck out of my house. Go to whoever you were fucking. Stay with them, I'm not taking care of no damn baby!" She said pointing to the door.

" Where am I gonna go?" You asked crying.

" I don't know, but you can't stay here. Take everything you want, I'll give you that. But after that, get the fuck out of my house!" She said yelling louder. 

You ran upstairs packed everything in your room with plastic bags. You ran out of the door before she said anything else. You didn't know what the hell to do. You were pregnant, nowhere to go, and not even with the baby father.

You didn't know where to go so you ran to your friends house. You knocked on her door with makeup running down your cheeks and a whole bunch of plastic bags.

" What are you doing here? What happened?" She asked you.

Her name was Lena

" My mom kicked me out, I don't know where to go. Or what to do. I'll only last thru high school, after that I don't know where to go. I'm pregnant, I broke up with Dean. My whole life is just a mess, and there is only one person I know that stays by my side thru all my bullshit. And that's you, I can go if you want me to go though." You said starting to cry again. If she didn't let you in, you had nowhere else to go. Unless being homeless was an option.

" You know I wouldn't leave you out here. But you have to tell me everything." Lena said grabbing some of your bags and opening the door wider for you to come in. You sat down on the couch and Lena put your bags down next to the couch.

" Let me start from yesterday. Me ans Dean were having sex and the condom broke while he was in me. I went to get a pregnancy test, and last night I found out I was pregnant. I didn't want to ruin Dean's life with a baby. Who wants to be a teen dad? So, I broke up with him this morning to save him." You said.

" No, you shouldn't have done that. I fully support you, but what about you? What about your life, yeah. Who wants to be a teen dad, but who want to be a teen mom that's alone because she was thinking about her boyfriends future. And the way you describe Dean I'm sure he wouldn't leave you because you are pregnant." Lena said. She just doesn't understant. When you hear someone talk and ramble on about being something, and then you can ruin that with one thing. You would do anything to prevent that from ruining it. And as long as you've known Dean he has been talking about being a singer.

One little thing like being a teen dad can ruin him. You love him too much to do that to him.

" I don't know what to do though, I know I have to get a job so I can get out of here and take care of my baby. But, before that. For right now, I don't know what to do." You said hugging Lena.

" I get it, I get it. Look, my parents aren't gonna be back for a year. I don't know what they are doing, they just left this morning and said they weren't coming back till next year. So, we have the house to ourselves. Take over the guest room. That is gonna be your room, we are both gonna get a job and provide." Lena said patting your back. She was the bets friend ever, even at your worst even when you were being stupid. She was still on your side.

" Thank you, thank you. Can we start searching online now?" You asked, you wanted to hurry up and get your life. You wanted to prove your mother wrong.

" Yeah we can." Lena said grabbing her phone.

You guys searched all day for job online. You finally that is opening up a new restaurant near you guys.

After you guys watched Youtube for the rest of the day.

Then you got an amazing idea.


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