Part 12

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

"Y/N, wake up." Lena yelled moving your head.

"What the fuck happened? Donna, Donna hit me in with something. Where is Dean?" You asked trying to stand up.

"Be careful." Lena said helping you up.

"She took my babies, where are my kids?!" You screamed crying.

"Calm down, Y/N." Lena said holding you.

"No!!!!! Where the hell are my kids?!" You said crying.

"I'm going to find them. Who hit you in the head?" Dean asked pulling up his pants.

"I think it was... It was... Donna." You said, Dean had a shocked look on his face.

"I"m gonna find her, and tak our kids back. See you later, I love you Y/N." Dean said kissing you and grabbing his phone and leaving oue the door. Lena took you to your room and laid you in bed, she came back later with some tea.

"Here you go." Lena said giving you a cup of tea. You got up and drunk some tea.

"How are you?" Lena asked.

"Not good, my kids are missing. Dean is gone looking for them. It's not a very good time right now. I just wanna lay down for a minute. Thank you, Lena." You said, Lena got up and closed the door behind her. You laid down for 2 hours with Lena checking on you every 20 minutes making sure you were okay. Until you got a call.

"Hello? Dean?" You said.

"I found Donna, she's still been checked into the room from the tour we had here. The front desk lady said she came in with two kids that looked like me. Come to the hotel. I'll be in the lobby." Dean said.

"Okay, love you. We are on our way." You said, you rushed up put on your sneakers and ran into the living room.

"What's wrong?" Lena asked.

"Dean found Donna. Come on, we have to go." You said running out the door and into the car. Lena ran in the car and you hit the petal going to the hotel. Once you arrived at the hotel you parked the car and ran out to Dean.

"Come on." Dean said clicking the elevator button. Once you got to the floor Dean showed you the door.

"I'll do this. Give me the key." You said. Dean unlocked the door and you walked in and heard crying.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" Donna asked backing up into the wall.

"The question is what are you doing with my kids? Why the hell do you have my kids bitch?! One would have stopped fucking with me when she got her ass beat the park. Seems like you didn't learn your lesson." You said getting closer to her.

"I'm not afraid of you." Donna said panting.

"No, but you will be bitch." You said grabbing Donna and throwing her to the floor. She got up and threw you on the bed. Getting on top of you.

You punched her making her fall to the floor. You stood over her and started punching her. She punched you making you almost fall back. You pushed her making her hit the dresser where the TV was, making the TV fall on the floor. You grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the living room.

"You fucked with my kids. You fucked with my life. And fucked with my family. I'm gonna kill you bitch." You said punching her. Her face was all bloody now. Her lip was busted, her nose waas bleeding, and her eye was black. She pushed you to the floor and got on top of you and tried to choke you. You grabbed a vase and smashed it over her head.

You kicked her in the stomach.

"Now your ovaries are fucked up. No more kids for you bitch! Don't fuck with me ever again. I'm letting you off easy today. But fuck with me, my kids, my best friend, or my baby Dean. And I will throw you off a fucking roof!" You yelled as she laid helpless on the floor. You went into the bedroom and picked up the twins, they immediately stopped crying. You walked to the door limping and opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked pulling you into a hug.

"Yeah, but call the police, and the ambulance. I fucked her up pretty bad." You said panting.

"I could tell." Dean said kissing you.

"Let's go home." Lena said picking up Jaehwa.

You guys went downstairs and sat in a chair and waited for the police to arrive.

"What happened?" The police asked looking at.

"A girl upstairs is laying on the floor. Bloody. I beat her ass. She kidnapped my twins." You said tickling Junghwa.

"Okay." The police said running to the elevator. 1 hour later they came back downstairs with her in handcuffs.

"I'll come back for you bitch!" Donna said yelling.

"If you wanna get thrown off that roof be my fucking guest. Ugly ass bitch, that's why your pussy stink!" You yelled to her making Dean cover your mouth.

"It's alright, she's going to jail." Dean said calming you down.

"Okay, fine. I'll stop." You said kissing Dean.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part. I know this had a lot of drama. The next part will calm down and be a little more happy. So you guys can get the idea that they are a family.

Check out my other series. Smuts. And my other one The Sugar Daddy. 

Love you!😘😘😘😘

Spilled Milk Dean (AMBW)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz