Part 7

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part. This is gonna be long, so strap your ass in.

" No, I can't. I cannot do this. I can't live with myself knowing I broke you and her up just because of these kids. It's not worth you losing your carrer over. I'm not worth you losing your carrer over." You said sadly.

" But, you gave up your teenage life to take care of our children when you could have just told me." Dean said.

" I don't care, I love you enough to give up any ordinary teenage life to take care of them. And I love you enough to know that we cannot be together. You would break her heart." You said pulling away from him.

" Please, don't leave." Dean pleaded to you.

" I'm sorry Dean, I want you to have a life. I have to go." You said walking back to the car. You quickly put your kids in the backseat and drove off crying really hard.

" I can't lose her again." Dean said watching you drive away.

Lena POV

I was enjoying spending time with my family, when look at the news on my phone and see Y/N, with Dean. Kissing. Headlines say " Is Dean Cheating?". I quickly went to another room and dialed Y/N's number.

" Hello?" She answered crying.

" I'm guessing you saw the news about Dean." I said.

" What news? There's news?" She said.

" Yes, it says is Dean cheating. Why were you seen at the park kissing Dean. He has a fiancee, if you didn't want to ruin his carrer then you shurely did it now. WHY WERE YOU MAKING OUT WITH DEAN KNOWING HE'S ABOUT TO GET MARRIED?!" I yelled to her.

" We saw each other and things got a little out of control. He know's Junghwa and Jaehwa are his kids. And like I said things got out of control, all the feelings from the past came flooding back. And we both couldn't hold back, but I told him he can't do this to his fiancee."  She said.

" We are going to have a long talk when I get back next week. Until then, don't spend too much time dwelling on it. I know you get, you'll think about it for hours and then cry at your problems and then give yourself a pep talk. Wait till I get back, until then have fun. Not too much fun, but go to the park with the twins. And if Dean knows get him to spend time with the kids, without getting phiscal with you too much." I said, I know this was going to get out of control. And things would escalte into something way more than him just being the father of the twins. Everything would eventually backfire on Y/N. It always does when she get's the wrong ideas.


" Fine Lena, I will. But, once this get's out more and everyone sees this. His life is over, he will forever be known as the cheater, his fiancee with break up with him and he won't have anything. Because of me." I said hanging up. I feel really bad, because we can't put our feelings in the past I am gonna ruin his life.

He was just fine before he came here and went to the cafe. I put the twins on the couch and flopped on the couch next to them. I sighed.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? We had to start making out, didn't we. And he asked to marry me? WHY?" I said almost yelling.

I get another call. I answer.

"Hello?" I answer.

"It's your mother. Why did you say those things about me. I may have kicked you out of the house, but I am still your mother." She said.

"Not anymore. I don't want you to be. You thought you could call me over there and I would just hand over my kids. I love them. And then you call yourself a mother? A mother does not give up on their kids, even when they do wrong." I said. If Junghwa ever got pregnant as a teen, I would be mad. But I would get over it, and support her. Because she is carrying my grandchild.

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