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Daenerys arrived back at the Red Keep anxious to check on Jon. She was speeding through the hallway to get to the chamber as fast as she can. She needed to make sure he was okay. Dany slowly opened the chamber door and saw Jon was sleeping in the bath. She couldn't help but smile, but the moment she looked at his freezing body full of bruises she felt a bit guilty. She didn't want Jon to fight Daario, but he did it anyway...for her.

Jon slowly opened his eyes as he looked around and saw his Dany standing by the doorway. He smiled at her and she returned one back. Daenerys picked up the towel set on a chair beside her and walked towards her love. Jon tried to get out carefully as Dany was helping him. She wrapped the towel around him as they stared into each others eyes.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you fight him in the first place." She said as she caressed his cheek and looked down in guilt.

Jon lifted her head up, "It's not your fault, don't feel bad...I wanted to do it, for us."
There was a moment of silence as they stared into each others eyes.
"I love you Dany, now and always" he said reassuringly as he planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Dany hugged him as tight as she could and put her head on his chest, Jon embracing her with his head on her shoulder, taking in each other's scent. They stood there in their bear hug for what felt like forever and didn't want to let each other go.

After a few minutes, Daenerys let go and told him that he needed to rest. She helped Jon walk to the bed and as soon as he laid down he didn't let go of her hand as she turned around to go do her queenly duties.

She turned back and looked at him in awe.
"Stay" Jon asked as he caressed her hand.
Dany smiled and got onto the bed right next to him. In each other's arms, they got lost in each other's eyes, holding one another close, while Dany was caressing his beard as they drifted off to sleep.

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