Duty is the Death of Love

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Jon knows the Bran he grew up with isn't the same Bran now. But he never expected this from his younger brother, and he didn't want to believe it's true that he changed this much and that he could even say such things.
Bran told Jon everything about how his Queen, the love of his life, was supposed to burn the city to the ground, how Jon was going to kill her, and how Bran was to become king.
Jon was astonished by his words and thought Bran was delusional.

Jon stood up, "That's enough! I'm not going to sit here and listen to you say absurd things about Dany!" He was fuming, "She's done so many things for us and sacrificed so much for us and you guys still can't trust her or try to like her! None of you know her like I do. She is not her father and you're all too gullible to see that. I don't need to listen to this shit!" He turned around to leave but found Sansa and Arya at the door listening in. Jon stepped back at they came in. Now that they were all in one room Brandon spoke up.

"You're right Jon, she did do so much for not only the North but the living as well. But that does not excuse the fact that she is a Targaryen, her nature is fire and blood, and what I saw was supposed to happen. Maybe it didn't happen this time, but whose to say it won't happen another time. Either way, I'm supposed to be the king of the bloody seven kingdoms and you'll help me by doing your duty to this family!" Bran said seriously.
Jon was completely and utterly shocked, he looked straight into Bran's eyes with disgust.

Sansa and Arya didn't know what to say either, they were just as shocked as Jon was. Arya trusted no one but her family, meanwhile Sansa just recently changed her opinion about Daenerys.

No one said a word so Bran decided to directly say something to Jon. "You have to kill her Jon...for the fate of the world" he said calmly.
Jon shook his head in disbelief.
"Duty is the death of love" Bran continued. "And your duty is to this family" he said deliberately.

Jon said nothing and turned to look at his sisters. They just shrugged their shoulders with nothing to add on. Jon turned back around to look at Bran and said one simple word. "Goodbye."

He left the room and got right back on his horse to leave. He waisted his time here and wanted to go back to Daenerys. Sansa and Arya followed him out and tried to stop him calling out his name. Jon didn't want to hear anything else and just ignored them. Suddenly Arya was right in front of his horse while Sansa just caught up.

"What do you guys want? If you're going to say rash words about Daenerys then I don't want to here it."
Sansa told him that she doesn't have anything against the Queen anymore and Arya simply nodded.

Arya added on, "I don't know what's wrong with Bran right now, but he is family and we don't turn our back on family" she said sternly.
Jon rolled his eyes, "I'm not turning my back on family, I'm simply leaving because I don't want to listen to his bullshit."

He prompted his horse to start galloping and he left his sisters standing there before they could say anything back.

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