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Sansa made it back to Winterfell safely with her new title as the Warden. She went straight to Bran and Arya, telling them of what happened. Arya was happy for her sister, while Bran showed no emotions. He just sat there, staring straight into the fireplace. After a few moments of silence he spoke.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that" he said calmly, still staring at the flames.
Sansa and Arya were confused as to what he was on about.
"She wasn't supposed to be Queen...King's Landing should be in ashes right now" he said more aggressively.
"What are you talking about?" The sisters asked in unison.
"The war of course...I saw it before it happened, I saw how everything was going to turn out. I saw how I'm supposed to be the king!" He raised his voice.
Sansa and Arya were flabbergasted by his tone, they've never seen this side of him.
Bran continued, "she should be dead...he was supposed to kill her."
"Who and what are you talking about?" Sansa asked perplexed.
Arya was just listening as she was puzzled.
"Daenerys!" Bran yelled. "Jon should've put a dagger through her heart." He lowered his voice in annoyance.

Sansa was completely bewildered by this and Arya finally spoke up. "Are you alright Bran? You don't seem yourself" Arya touched his shoulder.
He did not answer.
Sansa still baffled by what he said, "Why would Jon do that? He loves her."

Bran turned around in his wheel chair and looked both his sisters straight in the eyes, "It doesn't matter now, it didn't happen...but now he has to choose the love of his life or his family." Bran stated vigorously.
"For what exactly?" Arya asked.
Bran took a deep breath, "The time will soon come where you'll see...and no one can get in the way."

Sansa and Arya were taken back by his words as Bran left the room in silence.
The two sisters looked at each other and agreed that they have to tell Jon about his weird behavior.

They wrote a letter to Jon and signed it both and sent a raven to King's Landing informing him of Bran's change in behavior and that he needs to come back to Winterfell immediately.


The sun's shining on King's Landing and the people in the city got back to living their lives with a new Queen. The rebuilding has progressed greatly and everything has been coming along great. The Red Keep was completely remodeled to suit a Targaryen and the city hasn't been more alive. The people are happy with their new Queen.

A few days have past since the war and Daenerys couldn't be happier. Although she lost the people she loved the most including her dragons, she has Jon with her by her side while she rules the kingdoms she's worked so hard for.

Once everything was settled after the war, they've had a steady routine for the past days. Dany would wake up in Jon's arms every morning after many wild nights to remember. Then she'd go do her duty as a Queen and so forth. Everyone was happy for the time being.

Jon and Dany were talking and laughing together in the conference room. A man walked in, interrupting their conversation, with a sealed note in his hand. They turned to look at him and he just handed the note to Jon without a word. He bowed and looked at his grace as he left the room.

Jon opened the letter and read it over and over again, trying to make sense of it. He showed Dany the letter and said, "I need to go to Winterfell to see what's going on."
Dany didn't want him to leave her, but she understood it's his family and he needed to go.
"I'll be back in a couple of days, don't worry" he said as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

Jon was saddling up his horse, getting ready to leave. He turned to Dany, hugged her and gave her a long passionate kiss goodbye. He got on top of his horse and grabbed Dany's hand.
"I'm going to miss you for next couple of days" he said weakly as he smiled at her.

Dany smiled back, looking straight into his eyes. "I'll miss you too Jon Snow" she replied as she caressed his hand with her thumb.
"Would you like me to send some men with you, it's not always safe to travel these roads alone."

"It's alright, I'll be fine." He responded reassuringly as he pulled her hand to his face and kissed it gently. After a few seconds of looking into each other's eyes lovingly, he finally departed from her and made his way to Winterfell.


Jon arrived at his old home, the place he grew up in, Winterfell. He was greeted by Sansa and Arya at the gate and they told him about what Bran said to them as they were walking. Jon didn't want to believe what they said about what Bran told them. When they brought up Dany he got angry and wanted to speak to Bran right away. He was wondering why Bran would say those words and act weirdly.

Jon entered Bran's quarters and found him sitting by the fire. Jon walked up to him and sat down right in front of him. Without changing his facial expression, Bran turned to face him. "It's about time you came, we have a lot to talk about...shall we begin..."

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