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Daenerys woke up feeling sick. She threw up the second she got out of bed. She wondered why she was feeling this way but decided to ignore it, she has a lot on her plate as the Queen and can't bother herself with more problems. All she wanted to do was see Jon again and wondered when he will return. She left her chamber and went to Tyrion to discuss some matters for Westeros.

After hours of disputing, she went to go sit on her throne to deal with her people. Dany started to feel nauseous again so she told Tyrion to take over as she left to vomit yet another time. She stood back up and decided this unfortunate situation won't let her down today.

As she started to walk back to the throne room she stopped in the middle of the hall. She held her stomach tightly as she felt excruciating pain in her abdomen. Her breathing started to become heavier by the second and everything was turning black for her. Luckily her handmaidens were coming her direction and caught her as she collapsed to the floor.

Daenerys woke up in her bed feeling a bit woozy. It took a second for her to realize where she was and what happened. Tyrion asked the Maester to give them the room and he obeyed. Daenerys looked at Tyrion wondering what's wrong with her.

"How are you feeling, your grace?"
"Not that great...what's wrong?" She asked hoping her sudden illness wasn't too bad.
Tyrion grabbed her hand and smiled a bit. He took his eyes from hers down to her stomach.
"You're pregnant!" He said joyfully. He knew how much being a mother would mean to her after what happened with that witch.

Dany was shocked and did not expect that answer. "I'm what...that's not possible" she replied back in disbelief.
"But it is Daenerys...you are pregnant." He said cheerfully.
Dany sat up, looked down at her stomach, and put a hand on it. Tears started streaming down her face as she couldn't believe it. She felt blissful and words couldn't express all her emotions.

"I'll leave you alone to be with your thoughts. Jon should be coming back soon." Tyrion left the room and informed Grey Worm of the news.


Drogon was flying towards Dragonstone where he last left injured Rhaegal during the war. He was looking for his brother to come back with their mother. Rhaegal was resting on top of the hill next to the castle. Drogon flew straight towards him and landed right in front of him.

They both started screeching and took off into the air. Rhaegel has healed since the incident that plunged him into the sea. It was like he never got spears shot into him, except for the huge scars that left marks. Rhaegal and Drogon flew back to King's Landing to see their mother.


It's been a couple hours since Dany has received the news that she's pregnant. She was ecstatic and couldn't be happier. She's always wanted to be a mother and couldn't dream of the day it would actually happen after the situation with that witch.

Daenerys was taking a stroll on the shore of King's Landing to take in some fresh air. The news she received was huge and unexpected, she needed to take a walk next to the ocean's breeze. She looked up and saw Drogon flying her way but next to him was another familiar creature. She couldn't believe her eyes. Could that possibly be Rhaegal? With a crashing land in front of their mother, Daenerys snapped back to reality. She looked at her beautiful beast standing right in front of her looking bigger and better than ever. She touched his snout and started to bawl. Her child is back and it's a miracle. She thought to herself, could this day get any better?


Jon was on the road making his journey back to his Queen in King's Landing. He was feeling a bit drowsy from the trip North and back. He didn't even get to rest when he arrived at Winterfell because he wanted to see Bran right away. Jon decided to set camp to rest for a couple of hours.

As he laid down next to the fire pit, sleep took him. He woke up to the sound of something lurking in the forest. Jon got up right away with his hand on the hilt of his sword. He looked into the trees as there was a long silence. As he turned back around to pick up his stuff, a flock of ravens were screaming at him. Jon's eyes widened as he noticed these were not just any ordinary ravens, they have white eyes.

Jon immediately knew Bran was following him so he started to run out of the forest as fast as he can and got straight onto his horse. The horse starting sprinting as fast as it could and Jon heard the ravens pursuing him. For a split second he turned to look at the raven in the middle with three white eyes and the flock dispersed. And with that, Jon Snow was all alone on the road with his horse heading back to the capital.

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