Ending Threats

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After a fortnight of preparation, Daenerys finally decided to bring the war to the Three Eyed Raven. She has received many threats throughout the days, and finally decided to put an end to it. Whenever she was outside with Jon or anyone else, she'd spot a raven with three white eyes spying on her.

One time, it came into her bedroom and that pushed her to finally make the decision to end things. She gathered her people in the planning room and told them they're going to move out first thing in the morning. Everyone already knew their roles and were ready to fight for their Queen.

Arya told Dany personally that she's coming along to fight with them and she'll ride with her and Jon. Sansa would follow along next to them as well. After they got all their plans sorted, Jon pulled Dany aside.

"I know you want to fight for your people, but I don't think it's safe for our baby Dany. Who knows what can happen out there, I'm already worried enough."

Dany let out a deep breath, "I know you're worried for us, but I'll be fine" she put a hand to her stomach, "we'll be fine."

Jon sighed knowing he can't do much to convince her otherwise. "I know you're strong and determined, but please don't put our future at risk Dany."

Dany loves how he's worried for her and their baby, but she has to be there and fight for not only herself but for Westeros. "Jon...I admire your concern for us, but truly I'll be fine. I love you and I'll always come back to you...I promise."

Jon looked down and grabbed her hands. He planted a kiss on her hands and looked her straight in the eyes. "I know you will."

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