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Dany and Jon woke up in each other's arms after a very long night of making love. They spoke about their future together for a while till they heard a knock on the door. Dany got off the bed and went straight to the door.

"There are people here to see you, your grace. They say they're from Essos."
Dany nodded at her, "I'll go see what they want, meanwhile please bring new sheets."
The lady looked in the door really quick and saw Jon on the bed half naked, then looked back at the Queen. "Yes, your grace" she nodded as she left.

Jon got dressed to escort Dany out, still only trusting himself to protect her from whatever Bran plans. He then thought to himself that he needs to tell his sisters the news of Dany's pregnancy and their soon marriage.

Daenerys was speaking with the two men from Essos. They're leaders from Braavos and came to strike a deal.

"Since you're now the Queen of Westeros and you don't really associate yourself with Mereen or Dragon's Bay anymore, we came to bargain on some important matters."

"Although I'm living here, I still very much keep tabs on the cities I've liberated. But what is this bargaining you speak of?"

"Well, we've suffered a great loss after the war and we'd like to make profit back from slavers. So, you grant slavery legal again and we'll give you any supply ever needed. Whether it's gold or soldiers."

Dany looked at them seriously, "I will never let the people be dogs to lesser men than they are ever again. And you suffered a great loss because you chose the wrong side, that is all on you, so don't ever come here again asking for absurd deals that'll never happen."

"We mean no disrespect but the Iron Bank is seriously plummeting thanks to you."
Dany stepped closer to the men and stared straight into their eyes. "You made your bed, now lie in it" she responded ferociously.
Jon smiled at how much of a strong, great ruler she is. He's never met anybody like her and he loves her.
The two men left, disappointed by the outcome.

Dany went back to her throne to do her job as people came to her one by one.
Jon looked at her and knew that he has to tell her at some point what Bran is trying to do, so he came up with a plan. He excused himself from the room and urgently wrote a letter to Sansa and Arya, then sent a raven to Winterfell.

As he was walking back to the throne room Daenerys was coming his way. They met in the middle of the hall and Jon looked like he's seen a ghost.

"Are you okay Jon? Where did you go?"
"I'm fine, you just scared me" he smiled, "I just sent a raven to my sisters, that's all."
She smiled back at him, just as she remembered what she was going to show him.
"Come with me!" She prompted excitedly.
Jon followed her outside to a huge grassland area he never knew was there. It seemed like no one knew it was here either because there was no one around.

Dany grabbed his arm and leaned into him as she looked up into the sky. He too looked up and noticed two large magnificent beasts heading their way. His eyes widened as he was in shock at what he just witnessed. Rhaegal, alive and well, landed right in front of Jon. He couldn't believe his eyes, he thought Rhaegal died. Jon stepped forward and petted his nose.

He then turned and looked at Dany who was smiling at him. "I know, I was shocked too, it felt like a dream. Especially after I myself saw him shot out of the sky with my own eyes."
Jon walked back to her as he noticed she was starting to get a little emotional remembering the scene of Rhaegal's downfall. He hugged her and looks at her beautiful eyes. "It's seems like life is full of miracles" he said softly as he put a hand on her stomach. They shared a kiss that lingered on to what felt like a lifetime.


Sansa and Arya were sitting at the dining table alone. A messenger came in with a note in his hand and gave it to his Lady. Sansa opened it and noticed it's from Jon. She set it down on the table for both her and Arya to read.

I know you're busy with being the Warden of the North, but please come to King's Landing with Arya. I have really urgent news to share with you guys and it's really important. Please come as fast as you can. Don't bring Bran, I'm sure he already read this with that power of his. ~ Jon Snow

Sansa and Arya looked at each other mysteriously. They wondered what that note was about. They decided to leave as soon as possible, seeing as Jon really needed them there.

Bran's sitting in front of the Godswood tree in tranquility. Sansa and Arya approaches him to say their goodbyes. Before they could even say a word Bran said, "You're leaving."

"We'll be back soon, I am the Warden of the North."
"You're going to see that traitor" he said coldly.
Arya responded to that insult, "Jon is not a traitor. He is our brother and he needs us there. Don't ever call him a traitor again, he's done nothing wrong."

Bran turned around in his wheelchair and looked at them closely. "Oh but he is. He didn't kill her. He chose her over us. His own family. He betrayed us."

Sansa didn't understand why Bran was acting like this and she got quite angry at his words.
"You mean he chose his lover over you...all because you said these absurd words about being the king and ordering him to kill Daenerys. Do you hear yourself Bran? You sound mad!" Sansa raised her voice.

Bran still didn't change his resting bitch face and continued to stare at Sansa. "With time you'll see what will happen sister. And you'll all come running back to me begging for forgiveness."

Sansa and Arya looked at him coldly, clearly bothered by his attitude. They both decided to not further the conversation and left.
Ser Brienne was waiting for them with the chariot ready. Sansa entered and Arya stopped.
"I am not going to ride in that, I will have my own horse." She stated.

Brienne looked at her and nodded.
A few minutes of waiting, a man brought two separate horses for Brienne and Arya and then they set out on their journey South.

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