Love is the Death of Duty

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Daenerys and her army are marching to Winterfell. Her dragons follow them from a distance while she's on horseback. Jon is beside her while Arya and Sansa tail them from behind. The night before, Daenerys made sure everyone was well rested for the journey ahead. This means war, and she's going to bring it to Bran.

Days passed as everyone made their way to Winterfell. Dany was ready for everything that comes her way. Bran would sometimes watch them marching towards his home with ravens and everyone pretended to be unbothered by it.

It's midnight and Jon sends one of the men to warn the Northmen. The second the Northmen start clashing swords, Daenerys' men will charge. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the loud sounds of metal starts clashing against each other. Dany sends half of her men in charging and the other half surround the perimeter. There are Unsullied climbing the walls and archers shootings fire arrows in the castle.

Dany gets on Drogon and starts burning all the enemies she could, Rhaegal following suit. Jon and Arya make their way to the top of a hill facing mercenaries as they go. Bran is sitting at the top of the hill peacefully as if there's no massacre going on in front of him. Screams fill the cold air.

Jon and Arya make it to the top of the hill and confront Bran. He just stares at them looking undefeated. Jon and Arya try to reason with him to stop their madness but Bran doesn't comply.

He just smirks and in all a sudden his eyes turn white. Jon and Arya trades looks then stare right back at their brother not knowing what to do. Deep in their thoughts, out of no where, a huge dragon comes crashing down next to them.

Drogon snaps out of a trance and squeals in pain but gets up as fast as he can to recover. He flies away angry, torching everything in his sight except for the friendlies and innocents. Fire is disputed everywhere. Jon and Arya get up with a ringing in their head from that huge crash, all bloody and bruised.

They look around and find Daenerys on the ground bleeding. She's alive but can barely get herself up nor walk. It takes a moment for them to realize what's going on around them and then it hits them. Jon tried to run to Daenerys clenching his ribs but a huge guy with white eyes tackled him to the ground near the edge of the cliff. It's a 5 story fall. Arya's leg is broken and can't do nothing but watch hopelessly with her weapons scattered away from her from the impact. Jon groans and tries to get back up but the huge man pulls out a dagger, pulls it up in the air and points it towards his heart.

Dany's eyes widen as she's about to witness the love of her life stabbed through the chest all in slow motion. She screams and with every fiber in her body she manages to pick herself up and run towards to the man, jumping into him, both falling off the ledge into the abyss of fire in the split second before the knife plunges through Jon's heart. Jon's in complete shock and looks down at dreary ground of flames screaming.

All his anger and sorrow completely flooding his emotions. Arya was speechless and laid there as if she got a dagger right through her heart, feeling for Jon and her niece or nephew who was never born. Jon knows who did this and he's coming for him. He gets up with fire in his eyes, furious and fuming.

He picks up Longclaw and walks towards Bran who was now watching them from the other side of the cliff showing no emotions. Jon stood in his tracks staring at the person who was once his brother.
Bran kept silent with a cold hearted stare.
Bran blinked and looked down for a second. He then brought his gaze back up to Jon with a sigh. "She had to go" he said calmly.
Jon grabbed the handle of his sword harder with a piercing stare at Bran. "You were going to kill me...and she saved me!"
Bran nodded, "That I can't deny."
"Who even are you? I don't even know who the fuck you are! You used to be my brother, now you're dead to me!"
Bran replied, "She chose to save you, I had nothing to do with her actions."
That comment made Jon even angrier.
Jon shakes his head, "You'll pay for this Brandon, one way or another."
"And what are you going to do bastard?"
"'re nothing but a crippled boy."

Bran looks to the side for a second and returns his death stare. Jon now right in front of him with his hand on the hilt of his sword. Bran looks at the sword then right back Jon, "Oh please brother...we both know you won't do anything with that." Bran states calmly.
"Are you so sure about that Three Eyed Raven?"
"We're family Jon...and you don't have the balls to do it." Bran spat confidently.
Jon puts a hand on Bran's shoulder and looks him straight in the eyes. "We were...once upon a time." Jon then draws his sword and pushes it right into Bran's chest.

Bran surprised, he looks at Jon in shock and realizes there's not a hint of regret across Jon's face. Jon the grabs him by the face and whispers to his ear, "Love is the death of duty." Those words linger in the air as Jon turns around and walks away. As Bran slowly died in his chair, he takes in those words.

Arya couldn't even feel bad for Bran knowing what he did and Jon didn't have a bone in his body to feel any remorse for Brandon Stark. He dragged himself to the bottom of the cliff, not aware that the war has been over for a while now. He looks in the fire hoping that a beautiful silver-haired girl would walk out and grace his presence. Nothing...

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