A New Bond

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Dany woke up to the sound of the rebuilding of the city going on outside. Her head was on Jon's chest as her arm was wrapped around him as he held her tight. She glanced up at Jon's face and smiled at the man she loves with all her heart. He started to open his eyes and saw Dany was getting out of his grip to get up. He pulled her back down on top of him, now with both of his arms holding her.
"Where are you going?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

She lifted her hand up and caressed his face, giving him a little peck on the lips. "I have to go be a Queen to the people, I can't stay here in bed all day with you...even though I'd love to."
With that, she got up and changed into new clothes. Jon tried his best to sit up and get up to walk her out and start the new day by her side, but he was still sore from the other day.
She turned around and pushed him back in bed. "You still need to rest, my love."
Jon sighed and grabbed her hand and kissed it, letting her go be the ruler of the seven kingdoms.

Daenerys entered the throne room and was greeted with the Lords and Ladies of the great houses.
She sat down on her iron throne and proceeded with the surprise meeting. As time went on with the meeting, the other houses decided to pledge their loyalty to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen.

Everyone started to leave but Sansa stayed back. She walked up to Dany and asked to have a private conversation. Dany just nodded and her guards left them alone in the room.
Sansa started, "I wanted to thank you...for saving my life...I was wrong about you, and I'm sorry about that. I hope in time you can forgive me and understand that I was only trying to protect my family."

Dany looked her straight in the eye and nodded. "I do understand what your intentions were and I do forgive you. You are Jon's family and there is no reason for us to be feuding."
Sansa gave a small smile. "Thank you...and I'd like to ask you one thing."
Dany knew what was coming.

"I know you won't grant the North as its own independent kingdom so I won't even bother to ask, but I would like to be the warden of the North if you'd let me."
Dany was actually surprised by her statement, she thought she'd ask for the North to be her own kingdom so she can rule it.

Dany smiled and grabbed Sansa's hands. "Of coarse you may be the warden of the North. I hope this ends all bad blood between us."
Sansa smiled, "Thank you very much" she said ecstatically. A new bond's been made and all the kingdoms of Westeros have finally been united peacefully.

Sansa left and journeyed on to Winterfell ready to begin her new life as the warden.
Daenerys decided to go out into the city of King's Landing to see how the people were doing after the war and how far the rebuilding is coming along. She could finally breathe now that the wars were won and she had Jon by her side.

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