Always and Forever

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Daenerys and Jon made it back to King's Landing safely. A few days passed after they won the war and life got back on track. The Grand Maester told them the baby was okay and they were ecstatic to hear that wonderful news. Jon and Dany couldn't be any happier. On top of that they're getting married soon. Jon will become King but as he bent the knee, Queen Daenerys will continue to be the ruling power.

A Week Later - WEDDING DAY

Jon and Dany were staring into each other's eyes full of love and joy. Next to Dany was Grey Worm and Tyrion while Sansa and Arya stood by their brother, Jon. They were with the people they love and care for the most including a baby on the way. The both of them said their vows as they said in unison, "Always and forever." They give each other a deep, passionate kiss then pull away holding each other's hands. Everyone claps for them as they whisper to each other those three meaningful words..."I love you." They're finally husband and wife, King and Queen, and last but not least rulers of Westeros.

Months Later - THE BABY

Dany was laying on the her bed ready to give birth. Jon sat next to her clenching her hand assuring her that he's there with her. Screams full the room as she goes through labor. After what felt like forever of pain and pushing the baby finally came out. The maid held the baby in her arms looking at its sex. "It's a boy!"
Dany and Jon start crying of joy with smiles going from cheek to cheek. The maid gave the baby to Dany to hold first and as she held her baby boy in her arms she felt at peace and all the love. She had her two boys with her, the loves of her life.

After weeks of recovery, Dany got back on her feet. She was ruling the Seven Kingdoms again with her love, the King. They have a beautiful baby boy who's the heir to the iron throne and will be the next ruler of Westeros. His name is Eddie for Eddard Stark and he has a sister on the way named, Missandei. House Targaryen lives on, always and forever.

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