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"Paramedics are on the way sweetie- try not to move" the lady spoke, never letting my hand drop.

I couldn't feel any pain

I felt as if I could've got up and walked away- but she didn't seem willing to let me do so.

"What's your name?" She spoke quickly, panicking.

"Holland" I mumbled out.

"Okay Holland- my name is Hellen, tell me about yourself" She spoke quickly.

"I want up" I mumbled, letting my hand hit the ground- hoping to be able to push myself up as I heard ambulances.

"No- you can't move, you might cause more damage, just relax"

"My dad-"

"Critical patient over here!" I heard a voice yell out before a male moved into my view.

He was a police officer.

"Her name is Holland" the lady spoke out.

"How old are you, Holland?" He spoke, putting his hands over my face- thankfully blocking the sun.

"Sixteen" I mumbled out.

"Sixteen year old female ejected from vehicle, multiple open wounds on body, She's responsive and alert" he spoke into a radio.

"I want up" I spoke to him.

"We'll get you up in a minute" he spoke back slowly.

I heard much more yelled before many more people surrounded me.

A spotted paramedics, who immediately took over.

They explained everything before they did it- telling me to relax as they did.

"Serious road rash" one spoke, and I felt my uniform skirt go up slightly

"Stop" I panicked- moving to get his hands away from me- feeling pain erupt through my body.

"Don't move Holland- you're in shock so you aren't feeling much pain unless you start moving a lot- we aren't here to hurt you, but you have to let us do our jobs"

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as they placed something around my neck, getting others around them to assist lifting me onto their gurney.

We went into the ambulance- myself sitting as still as I could.

"My dad-" "we have no information on anyone but you sweetheart, we need to focus on you" He spoke, I felt the vehicle starting to move.

"I have a heart murmur" I spoke to him, seeing his eyes meet my own.

"A severe-" "I had surgery when I was a baby, it came back about a year ago but it's not severe- just monitoring" I spoke, knowing he needed to know that.

"Keep talking- tell me everything they do for your heart" I spoke, feeling him placing bandages over my body.

"I haven't went in a while" I spoke quietly.

"Any medicines- anything?" He questioned, unbuttoning my school shirt, which I noticed was coated in blood.

"Please don't" I felt tears coming into my eyes- not wanting to be shirtless in front of anyone besides myself.

"You have injuries that I have to access- I'll cover you up once I'm done, I promise" he spoke, getting my shirt pulled away in an instance.

I felt him placing bandages, I felt the cuff on my arm tighten and release every few minutes

He stuck little pads to my chest and stomach- releasing a noise, my pulse .

He put an IV in my arm, taping it down before we came to an abrupt stop, making me groan lightly.

The guy threw I blanket over my stomach and chest, his eyes meeting mine

"You keep those eyes open."

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