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After a little more talking and me promising that I would call them daily, they discharged us.

My dads girlfriend was able to pass a field sobriety test, so Calum gave her the keys, hugging me tightly.

"If you ever just need a get away and want to come spend the night with us, you're more than welcome." He spoke, making me smile.

"Thank you."

And we went home.

"I'll go get your medicines in the morning" dad spoke to me, making me slowly nod.

I knew he actually wouldn't.

And I fell straight into bed, letting myself sink into my happy place

I woke up, immediately checking my phone before sitting up, seeing a prescription on my bed.

He actually went and got it.

Maybe there was a little bit of hope left in me, maybe my dad wasn't actually gone.

I got up, going downstairs and taking the medicine, not seeing my dad anywhere.

As I searched the house quietly, I got a text.

We dropped off your medicine this morning, gave it to your dad. He seemed hungover, which we knew would happen so we thought we'd just bring it to you guys.

So maybe my dad actually isn't here.

Thank you so much. You guys are the best.

I went upstairs, finding my dad in his office, which I hadn't seen him in, in a while.

"Dad?" I spoke slowly.

"Those doctors dropped medicine off for you, I threw it on your bed." He spoke, making me nod slowly

"You okay?" I asked him.

"I guess I should be asking you that, you're the one that passed out." He mumbled.

I shrugged lightly

"I'm okay" I spoke, seeing him nod slowly.

"Want breakfast?" He asked me.

"I guess" I spoke back.

We went downstairs together where he looked through the empty cabinets that I've been looking at for weeks.

He pulled out the cereal that I now despised due to eating it so much.

"Well we can have-" "I'll just skip breakfast" I exhaled slowly.

He didn't look to me.

"I'm sorry I don't have a lot of money right now-" "did you quit?" I asked him slowly, seeing him nod, making me rub my face, honestly wanting to cry.

"I already applied for another one, I have an interview Monday" he spoke, spooning cereal into his mouth.

"I truthfully think you need to get away from alcohol." I spoke.

He didn't respond.

That night, he was drinking.

I ate a sandwich, drinking water with it.

"You know that doctor I walked with when you were in the hospital?" My dad asked as I washed my plate, making me hum- knowing he meant Calum.

"He said that they loved you." He laughed lightly, making me turn to him.

"Like he told me anytime that I needed or you needed, you were welcome to their house because they love and adore you" he laughed lightly

"If only they knew how much of a piece of shit you actually are"

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