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The nurse soon traded places with Luke, who sent me a small wink before leaving.

"Okay sweetheart, lets get you out of these bloody clothes" she spoke quietly.

I had never been more revealed to any people than I had been to everyone today.

I ended up in a hospital gown, which was more than uncomfortable.

The nurse walked to to bed, where I covered myself up, feeling relief at finally not having my body exposed.

"Need anything?" She questioned quietly.

"No- I think I'm okay" I mumbled out.

"Okay, this is the nurses button, push it if you need anything at all, Doctor Hemmings should be with you in a moment" she spoke, sending me a smile before leaving.

I exhaled, rubbing my face, feeling something sticky.

I peeled it off- panicking as soon as I saw
it was a bandaid.

Just as I thought I was okay- I felt blood drip down my face making me gasp, grabbing a random rag that was beside my bed, holding it firmly to my face.

Why would I pull that off my face?

After about a minute of trying to figure out what to do, I resulted to pushing the nurses button.

A nurse almost ran in, looking to me.

"I didn't know what it was- so I pulled the bandaid off and I'm still bleeding" I spoke shamefully, trying to laugh it off in a way.

"That's fine" she laughed back, opening a cabinet before coming to me.

She slowly replaced the bandaid, wiping the blood for me.

"Don't pull any others off, Doctor Irwin will be here to finish your stitches" she laughed before leaving.

Within minutes Hemmings entered, a bright smile on his face.

"I heard you had a bandaid incident" he laughed out, sitting in a chair beside my bed.

"I didn't know what it was" I spoke quietly, laughing with him, watching him shake his head.

"Curiosity killed the cat"

He slowly set up the echo machine- something I had been through before.

"I'm just going to look at your heart, make sure everything is doing okay and working good" he spoke, making me nod.

He helped me slowly lay at an angle, putting my arm under my head where he placed the goo covered stick to my chest.

I watched my heart and heartbeat soon pop onto the screen, seriousness taking over his face and he stared to the screen.

"Your heart pumps strong" he immediately commented, moving the stick to different areas.

After several moments of silence he nodded

"There's the source of your murmur" he spoke, zooming in on once area, pointing to it.

"Is it still small?" I asked.

"Yeah- it's fine, nothing to worry about" he spoke, turning the machine off, gently wiping the goo off my chest as Irwin entered.

"Healthy heart" Hemmings informed him as he also pulled a chair beside my bed.

"Great" Irwin spoke, setting what I assumed was stitch kits beside my hip.

"Ready to get these bandaids off?"

Hemmings thankfully held my hand the entire time.

I couldn't feel much besides the light tugging and pulling of my skin.

"Any update on my dad?" I asked quietly.

An odd silence consumed the room.

My mind went to the worst

"Is he dead?" I asked quietly.

"No, he's not" Irwin mumbled out.

"He's in brain surgery"

"Brain surgery?" I asked quietly.

"He had a brain bleed from the collision- our neuro surgeon is operating on it" he spoke.

I went silent.

"Is he going to die?" I asked quietly.

"Right now he's very stable- no bad reports, but there's a lot of risks in surgery, I can't promise you anything Holland"

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