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"What the fuck, Holland." My dad spoke, Calum immediately putting his hand on my dad, stopping him from completely entering.

"Come with me." Calum suggested.

I played with the ring on Michael's finger, not focusing to me.

"I have a right to know what's wrong with my daughter-" "she passed out, but we're diagnosing her now, but the room is full enough so come with me and I will bring you to a room that you can lay down in until it's over." Calum knew exactly what to say, because my dad and his girl nodded, them both following him away.

All three of the guys looked to me.

"I um-" I cleared my throat

"He's still going through his drinking phase" I told them.

"He's borderline alcoholic." Luke pointed out.

"Which is why you're so stressed" Ashton spoke, making me hesitate.

"It's only on weekends" I lied, which they accepted, nodding slowly.

"I'm going to prescribe you an anti anxiety medicine, this will lower your blood pressure without me putting you on a blood pressure medicine, because I don't want you on that at such a young age." He spoke slowly.

I nodded slowly.

"Should we call the police-" "no" I spoke before anyone else could.

I couldn't afford any charges that the police would put on my dad.

"If he has a drinking problem, we need to get him into therapy-" "it's not illegal for people to drink on the weekends." I pointed out.

I didn't want to end up alone.

As much as I hated him right now, I needed him until I was out of high school.

"But it is illegal to neglect your child." Michael spoke.

"I'm not being neglected, I just-" "what is stressing you out so much?" Ashton asked.

"I have a lot of hard school work and too many soccer practices and then rehearsals-" "okay, here" ashton mumbled.

He turned around for several moments before turning back to me, handing me a school excuse.

"Don't go to school next week, take a well deserved break and come to us next week if you need help catching up." He spoke to me.

There was no way in hell I was missing a week of school.

"Thank you" I mumbled to him.

"I'm going to say this one time and I'm not yelling at you, I'm not even mad." Luke spoke.

"If your dad starts drinking more or getting aggressive when he drinks, you call us. No matter the time or day."

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