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I woke up to something hitting my foot.

Thinking it was just a nurse, I kept my eyes closed, just slightly bringing my leg closer to Ashton- feeling so drugged that I was almost spinning in my sleep.

Just as I drifted back to sleep, I felt it again.

This made me open my eyes- seeing my dad, holding his phone, which lit up his face to where I could see him.

"I'm sorry" he spoke quietly.

I felt so fucking nauseous.

"It's okay" I immediately dismissed whatever he was apologizing for quietly, trying not to wake Ashton.

"Come to my room so we can talk-" "I just had surgery" I mumbled quietly, trying to make him get the hint.

"You can sit on my lap, you won't have to move your hip" he whispered back to me.

"I'm really tired dad" I prayed he would get the fucking hint.

"Holland- please" he spoke.

I exhaled, not one bone in my body wanting to move, but I was going to let him talk me into it.

Just as I slowly moved the sheets off of me, I heard Michael's tired voice.

"She's on bed rest." He spoke sternly.

That made me immediately cover back up- thankful that he woke up to help me.

"She can't come talk for five minutes?" He asked, seeming almost desperate.

"No, we're literally not letting her out any weight on her hip, she's not even allowed to rotate it, she's in bed rest." He spoke just as sternly as before.

"And she also still has morphine in her system, which she needs to sleep off before she gets sick, so it's best that you come back in the morning." Michael finished politely, but yet stern enough to get his point across.

This caused my dad to leave the room silently, which almost made me feel bad, until I heard Michael again.

"He's just feeling guilty from your fall" michael spoke towards me, his hand grabbing my own through the darkness, giving me a small squeeze.

"I'll let him come in to talk to you in the morning, don't worry about him- get some sleep" he spoke, letting go of my hand.

"Thank you" I whispered to him, turning into Ashton, tucking my head into his arm, hearing Michael sigh lightly

"No need to thank me, sweet heart"

And within seconds, I was knocked out.


I woke up to someone moving my arm, making me immediately panic- wondering why the fuck someone was in my room, until I looked- seeing a nurse.

I reminded myself that I was with Holland, making me exhale- immediately apologizing to the nurse that I probably gave a major heart attack to due to me flinching at her.

"I just have to get her temperature and I didn't want to accidentally hit you" she spoke quietly, making me nod tiredly, looking to the sleeping girl cuddled up in my arms.

She touched the thermometer to her head, pulling it away and frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked slowly.

"She's got a fever" she hummed.

"How high?" Michael's tired voice chimed in from the couch, himself just waking up also.

"102.6" she read out, immediately making him stand.

He placed his hand on her forehead, as if that would tell him something different.

"She's burning up" he spoke, immediately trying to uncover her, but as soon as her skin was exposed to the cold ass room, she whined and pulled it back over her.

"Let me check your stitches" michael spoke after a moment of asking her yes and no questions about how she felt.

She turned on her back, letting him lift the blankets and pull her bandages back.

"No infection" he spoke, grabbing a stethoscope.

"You're about to get a full blown check up" he spoke to her- but she didn't argue.

She laid silently as he placed the stethoscope on her chest, listening to her heart before getting her to turn onto her side, being able to listen to her lungs.

He took her blood pressure, pulse, took her temperature again and read through her chart- no reason why she should have a fever.

"And you don't feel sick?" He asked her yet again.

"I'm just sleepy" she spoke, making me instantly hug her again.

"Okay, I'm going to give you a fever reducer, which should break your fever, but if it doesn't break, we're going to do blood work and narrow down our check ups to figure out what's going on, okay?" Michael's spoke to her, making her slowly nod.


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