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"You don't have to go home" I told her as I drove her home.

Two days of seeing her so happy, and it was all dropping just from the drive to her house.

"I don't have anymore clothes" she mumbled.

"You can wear mine- they'll be huge but we can make them work." I told her quickly.

"I need to go, he'll wonder what's up if I stay too long." She told me as I pulled into her driveway.

"Want me to walk you inside?" I asked her.

"No, it's okay" she spoke, leaning over the dash to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you for the best slumber party" she smiled as she got out.

"I'll see you soon, that's a promise." I told her, seeing her nod.

"For sure."


I went inside, all of my happiness fading at the sight of the dirtiest house in the country.

Two fucking days.

And he managed to leave it this dirty.

So I started cleaning

Two hours later I finally finished, seeing my dad coming downstairs, a bottle of whiskey in hand

"Oh the doctors little slut is home" he spoke, making me ignore him, heading for the stairs.

"Thanks for finally fucking cleaning, it's about damn time,"

Ignore it

Ignore it.

As I walked upstairs, I passed three half dressed women, who I tried to not touch nor make eye contact with.

And I went straight to my room, laying down and wanting nothing but to sleep.

I woke up to noises.

"Shit she has Xanax and Prozac" I heard my dad say, making me sit up.

"That's my medicines." I mumbled, making him and one of his girls stand quickly, stopping them from digging through my bag.

"You don't need to be on medicines this strong-" "dad thats the only medicines that help me." I spoke, almost begging him.

"No,  I refuse. Ask them for something less strong, but I'm keeping this." He spat.

He's keeping it for himself.

Not worried about the health of his daughter at all.

I laid back down, exhaling lightly

And then I heard my phone ding

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