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"Just relax-" "why is she not relaxed?" Michael's voice spoke as I heard doors open, several voices entering the room.

"Just before surgery nerves" the guy spoke calmly, watching the two bodies- which I could easily point out as Michael and Luke.

"Those relaxers didn't calm you down?" Michael asked, looking to me.

"Before I got in here, yes" I spoke slowly towards him.

"What's so different about being in here?" He smiled, making me glance around the room.

"I'm alone with strangers, almost naked, there's tons of people apparently watching me get cut open and if I die I didn't tell my dad goodbye." I spoke swiftly, seeing his eyes widen.

"First off, you're not going to die, this is a simple surgery." He spoke swiftly back to me.

"Those people are all just like me and Luke, Calum is actually up there with his interns, see- he's waving" he spoke, making me look up- immediately seeing a smiling and waving Calum.

"They can hear us?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah" Luke laughed out lightly.

Even better.

"We'll have you covered the entire time, this will take- at most forty five minutes, other than that, you have nothing to worry about. You're just going to go to sleep and then wake up- nothing more" Michael told me, grabbing my hand gently.

I held his hand back, finding comfort in the people that I did know.

"don't let me die" I spoke to him, squeezing his hand lightly.

"You're safe Holland, I promise" he smiled.

"Now, you're going to feel a cold rush through your arm, that's just medicines" Michael spoke just as I felt the cold rush, making me look to the guy beside my head, who was the source of the medicine.

"Nap time" Luke laughed lightly, holding my other hand gently, making me pull him closer.

Within minutes, the room started moving.

The lights were moving, there was two Luke's holding my hand, I couldn't even depict which one Calum was in the viewing room.

"Shit" I spoke quietly, finding it easier to look straight up rather than anything in the room due to my dizziness.

"Okay sweet girl, he's going to place a mask over your nose and mouth, just breathe normally, okay?" Michael spoke, making me squeeze both of their hands tighter as the man held my head gently, holding a mask over my mouth and nose.

I did as said, breathing slowly- which made the dizziness worse and worse.

I fought the feeling of my eyes wanting to close until I saw Luke's hand gently touch my face, hearing him laugh as he spoke

"Go to sleep, sweetheart"


I felt her hand go limp as her eyes finally closed, everyone stayed silent as we looked to the anesthesiologists, who looked to her monitors.

"And- she is asleep" he confirmed with a small nod.

"let's get started and get her out of here"


I laid in bed with my mom, watching Frozen as we waited on my dad to come home from work.

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