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four days later.

"He's gonna come back, right?" I asked Ashton as he stood outside of the bathroom, letting me pee in a little bit of privacy.

"Yes princess, he just went home and he's most likely reminiscing, he's coming to get you tomorrow." He spoke, making me nod as I stood, pulling my pants up and washing my hands.

He opened the door, looking to me with a smile.

"Are you excited to go home?" He asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Kinda nervous" I mumbled, seeing him nod.

"Understandable," he spoke

"But you have each of our phone numbers and if you need anything at all- even just to go ride around, you call us and we will be there." He spoke firmly.

"Thank you." I spoke, feeling him wrap his arms around me to walk me back to bed.

"And you'll have an appointment for about a week after you leave to check your hip, so if anything is going wrong, you can tell us then and we will handle the situation." He told me, making me feel better and better about going home.

"I hope he remembers more." I told him.

"He will," he spoke with confidence.

"If he's remembered details that you didn't remember, it'll come to him." He spoke, making me slowly nod.

"Stop stressing" he told me, laughing lightly, sitting with me in bed.

"You're going to be completely okay." He told me.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

I woke up the next morning to loud talking, making me immediately wake up.

"Are you intoxicated?" I heard Ashton say, making me sit up seeing all four of the guys holding my dad outside the doorway of my room.

"No." My dad slurred, clearly drunk

Which was a state I had never seen him at before.

"I just signed discharge papers- give me my fucking daughter." He spoke quickly.

"How did you get here?" Luke was able to keep calm.

My dad dangled his keys, making my heart drop.

Michael immediately took the keys from him, earning a few curse words from my dad before Luke spoke again.

"You driving in this condition is not only putting yourself but everyone else at risk, what you already did was selfish and I hope when you're finally sober you remember this conversation we're having right now." Luke spat to him.

"Right, so give me my daughter." My dad spoke, clearly not phased.

"I'm not letting you drive your daughter or anyone in this condition period." Calum spoke for the four of them."

"Then order me a damn Uber."

"I'll take them home." Luke spoke, myself already embarrassed and wondering how the fuck I was supposed to clear this up.

"I'll follow you in my car so you can just bring his car to his house." Ashton mumbled, making them agree.

They convinced my dad to sit, looking to me once it was handled- seeing me awake.

"Holland-" "I'm so sorry." I immediately spoke, having no idea what the fuck was up with my dad

"Holland, you have no reason to apologize. These were not your actions."

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