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Over the next week, to say the least, my dad and I had more falling outs and fights than we have in our entire life.

I kept his keys on me twenty four seven, he kept his alcohol on him.

He always had girls over.

I avoided going home, trying to spend as much time at school as I could.

I talked to the guys daily through a groupchat, telling them everything was fine.

Because it would be fine.

He'll get over this phase soon.

Today I walked home, which was now daily habit.

I walked inside, seeing my dad on the couch with a girl.

I ignored.

"Holland." My Dad spoke, sounding almost sober, which is the only reason I looked.

"Eat something, you're losing weight." He spoke before sipping something out of a glass.

"I don't know how to cook" I spat to him.

"That's why we have cereal." He shot back to me as I entered my room.

I fell face first into my bed, laying there for a moment before I heard my phone ding.

Friday night we're having a small barbecue and party, no alcohol. We'd love for you and your dad to come. We'll be playing volleyball, swimming and eating. Let me know if you can make it!

I didn't respond to it because I didn't know what to say back.

I knew I wanted to go, but I also knew my dad most likely wouldn't be sober, so it was probably best that I made up something to deny the offer.

But I would ask.

Around nine I decided that I was too hungry to wait until school, so I went downstairs, seeing my dad alone.

I silently went into the kitchen, trying to draw the least bit of attention possible.

But as I attempted making eggs, he entered, appearing to be sober.

"I wanted to apologize-" "apologies don't mean anything if you go and do the same thing all over again," I mumbled.

"I'm apologizing about hitting you that day" he spoke,

I froze.

"I should've never laid my hands on you and I knew that from the minute I did it-" "you're mean when you drink." I told him truthfully.

"I just- I feel so sad during the day when you're at school and that's the only way I can make it go away-" "therapy." I told him.

"Anything but drinking." I spoke.

"I'll work on it." He mumbled

"What can I do to make this up to you?" He asked, making it immediately pop into my mind.

"Drink all you want" I gave up on begging him to stop, since he seems to always do the opposite of what I ask.

"But Friday, you stay sober all day long. We're going to a small party as Luke's house-" "our doctors?" He seemed confused.

"Yes, our doctors," I spoke firmly, seeing him slowly nod.

"Deal" he extended his hand

"Don't break it"

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