ACT ONE / an oath

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hi y'all, guess who's bored again and really only has motivation to work on this...yep!

i skipped around a little with the Ruin fight because it's really tedious and repetitive so, yeah.


"Stop it, you three! That's enough!"

Most of the fight had been a blur; attempting to keep up with the two Holy Knights had proven to be difficult. They seemed more powerful than the likes of Hendrickson and Dreyfus. However, Elizabeth's voice pierced through the haze, and you shook yourself out of it. You were floating above the ground, rapier raised to pierce through Diane's hand, and Meliodas was ready to pounce at you like a cat.

"Huh? My lady, what are you doing here?" you asked, touching down on the ground.

"You took the words right out of our mouths!"

You blinked and looked around. At first, you thought that Meliodas' voice had changed drastically, or maybe even one of the girls', but you placed it on the pig. You rubbed your eyes to make sure that you hadn't imagined it. Before you could ask, Diane and Meliodas turned to you.

"Where did the Holy Knights go?" they asked simultaneously, looking around in confusion. You realized that, sure enough, Ruin (the Ruins?) had disappeared. Something about it seemed suspicious; you were certain that they were standing where Diane and Meliodas were, but...

The little kid ran up to Diane. "Big lady, are you okay?"

Diane smiled and leaned down. As she did, though, a bell tinkled, and once again, everyone vanished. You looked around, floating again to gain a vantage point.

For a few moments, you were caught up in battle with the two Holy Knights. The haze quickly passed again, though, and you and Meliodas shot over to the Holy Knight threatening to kill Elizabeth. You stopped Ruin's fist from driving clear through Elizabeth's head, your grip so strong it dented the steel.

"I think that is quite enough, don't you?" you asked, your expression as tight as a mask as you moved Ruin's fist away from Elizabeth's head.

"The spell's been broken?" Ruin mused, throwing your hand off of him. He leapt back a few feet and readied his staff, but you and Meliodas were too preoccupied by Elizabeth's unconscious and injured body.

Meliodas looked to you. "Can I entrust her safety to you?"

You nodded. Meliodas caressed Elizabeth's face with a tenderness you had never seen before. His expression was soft as he murmured something under his breath, something you couldn't catch from underneath the enraged shouting of the Holy Knight.

In a blast of movement, Ruin had slammed his staff into the side of Meliodas' head. The Captain went flying off to your right, and Ruin followed soon after. You were tempted to assist Meliodas, but he had entrusted Elizabeth to your care.

It seemed you didn't have any reason to worry, though, as a wave of dust shot past you and Elizabeth. In the cloud, you could see Ruin flying, and Meliodas racing after him.

"O-Oi, Ruin!"

You turned and looked over your shoulder. Friesia stood a few yards away, visibly distressed as she watched Ruin vanish into the distance. 

"Say, Diane, would you care to watch over Lady Elizabeth for a moment?"

She looked down at you and nodded. The pig came over to take your spot next to Elizabeth as you grabbed your rapier and stalked over to Friesia. 

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