ACT ONE / the heroes

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bringing this chapter back hit me with a 4x4 called NOSTALGIA right on da head


Elizabeth glowed with soft green light, her hair gently drifting around her face as though she were underwater. Her right eye had turned amber, emblazoned with the insignia of the Goddess Clan. Awed whispers echoed her name around the field.

"I am so sad," she said, her voice projecting despite its softness. And it was true—tears streamed down her face, after all—but her expression still held that familiar determination and willpower.

"Hendrickson, Father trusted you so very much. Because you were gentler and kinder than anyone else, and because you were trusted by both the people and the Holy Knights. What happened to you? Betraying the Holy Knights...killing so many people...What did you hope to accomplish taking things this far?"

"Resurrect the Demon Clan." Compared to Elizabeth's eloquent speech, Hendrickson's words were curt and short. "Get revenge on the Four Clans, who sealed us away after the Ancient War."

"What the hell?" Howzer muttered. "Hendrickson's not a full Demon, is he?"

"That is not Hendrickson," you replied softly.

"It's whatever's inside him," Meliodas agreed.

"For that I need your blood, that of an Apostle of the Goddesses," Hendrickson continued.

Elizabeth looked so heartbroken that you tried to stand up, to go to her in her time of need and comfort her. You rose to your feet; although your weight shifted back and forth, you were able to stay standing.

Hendrickson summoned another powerful wave of purple energy. "Dark Nebula."

The Holy Knights began to cower and shout in fear as Hendrickson released his attack. Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and leaned over. "Don't you hurt anyone else!" she yelled.

An aura of bright green light flowed from her. Much like the power she had summoned before, the magic was warm and comforting, like a mother's embrace.

The aura burst out in a sphere and fought against Hendrickson's Dark Nebula. Within moments, the power of the Goddess Clan won out. Hendrickson's expression morphed into shock as Elizabeth's power swallowed up the field in pure light.

You gasped and touched your back. All that remained of Hendrickson's attack was a scar. You looked at Howzer and saw that his injuries had healed, too.

The light faded, but left the field basked in a soft glow. Flowers bloomed where life had never touched the ground, spreading out in a ripple effect. Petals drifted down from the sky.

The light fully vanished. Elizabeth looked around in a panic, calling Meliodas' name.

The other Sins gathered around Meliodas. Elizabeth looked confused now that everyone was fully healed, but tears soon fell down her face again as she saw that not everyone had been healed. Hawk's corpse still lay in a beautiful field of flowers, and around you, some Holy Knights had permanently perished.

Howzer put his hand on your shoulder. "Looks like we might live through this after all," he said with a lopsided smile. You nodded with a soft smile of your own. He let you go, allowing you to walk to the others.

Elizabeth had passed out in Princess Margaret's arms. You walked to her side and put your hand on her shoulder.

"With this, we will win," you vowed. You turned around with Meliodas.

Although Hendrickson had sustained injuries from Elizabeth's attack, he was still alive and enraged. "Impudent girl. I should've killed her and taken her blood long ago."

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