INTERLUDE / back to normal

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mostly semi-filler, a little more character exploration i guess? also allusion to a relationship outside of the story ;)))


You readied your wooden sword, exchanging glances with your two opponents. Ban and Howzer, each with their own training weapon, returned your gaze. Besides your steady pulse, you heard nothing else. It was like God himself had drawn in his breath.

Something shifted. Shooting forward in sync, you met their swords in the middle as you struggled to gain the upper hand. A blast of force exploded from your clash. You turned on Ban, dealing a flurry of blows that made the strain from your back injury clear.

Ban pushed you back. Howzer and Ban teamed up on you, forcing you on the defensive. You refused to use your magic, keeping to the rules you'd put into place, and leaned back. You grabbed a stick off the ground and dual-wielded, managing to keep your opponents at bay.

You got under Howzer's guard and tapped him on the stomach with the flat of your sword. You felt Ban do the same to your leg. You danced back, pulling both of your weapons up to defend your torso.

Ban and Howzer began dueling. You waited for the perfect moment to strike. You leapt forward and pounced on their weak spots. With two quick taps, you got both of them once.

"Hit me with your best shot," you taunted. They gave you playful glares, and you blocked both of their weapons.

The pattern continued for a while. Finally, you all had one life left. Breathing heavily, you crouched a few feet away from them, forming a tense triangle.

"All or nothing?" Howzer asked, struggling to catch his breath.

Ban laughed and straightened. "I'm down."

"Same here," you agreed.

You dropped your weapons and raised your hands to the sky. Howzer pulled his sword back beside him. Ban tossed his sword over his shoulder and curled his fingers into claws, his eyes glinting with malicious intent.

Once again, all was still.

"Rising Tornado!"

"Physical Hunt!"

"Aerial Ace!"

A deafening crash rolled out from the arena, covering your surroundings in dust. When it cleared, all three of you were on the ground, completely spent with minor scrapes and bruises littering your bodies.

"What in the world?"

You craned your head. Elizabeth ran toward you. Merlin, Meliodas, Gowther, Hawk, Diane, and Harlequin trailed behind, seeming to be less concerned and more amused at the burst of power.

Howzer sat up with a laugh. "Man, that was fun. Didn't know you guys could hit that hard!"

"Hey, only I have the right to say that," Ban chided, cracking his neck as the worst of his injuries faded.

You rolled your shoulder and got to your feet, dusting yourself off and turning to face the others. "Sorry, we got bored," you said. Your smile probably ruined the sincerity of your words.

"'Bored' is a major understatement!" Hawk squealed, a puff of steam escaping from his nostrils. He was starting to return to full size, but was small enough to ride on Meliodas' head. "Look at what you've done!"

The dust cleared. You whistled. "Thank God we are not near the castle, then."

Diane pouted. "None of that matters--"

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