ACT TWO / her return

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bonus points if you figure out who "her" is before she comes into play lol

also i said that i was going to be spacing these updates out. when i said that, i thought they were going to be further than every other day flakjsfh

i love writing this book too much for my own good tbh, but oH WeLL


You sat on the ground with your legs crossed, waiting for Meliodas to return. You had assumed a meditative mindset, trying to calm your nerves and regain control. So far, it was working, and your heart had ceased its deafening beating.

"Still, was Meliodas really able to abandon his emotions?" Jenna mused. "He didn't really seem any different. How strange."

"No. He hasn't abandoned them."

You looked up.  Zaneri, Jenna's sister, came up to your group. As always, she looked calm and collected, her teal eyes betraying no emotion.

"What do you mean, he hasn't abandoned his emotions?" Jenna asked. "Are you saying there's a chance he might get consumed by rage again and go berserk?"

Zaneri took a moment to reply. She looked off into the distance. "Right now, what exists inside him isn't the blazing wrath that sends him on a rampage, destroying everything in his sight, but a wrath that will consume everything silently, like a deep sea. Meliodas has complete control over his rage now."

You took a moment to process what she said. Your hands unclenched. You hadn't even realized that they had tightened into fists.

"Fifteen seconds until you're teleported back." Merlin looked unperturbed, as usual, a small smile on her face.

The fifteen seconds passed without any difficulty. Meliodas appeared a few feet off the ground and landed lightly with a casual salute.

He walked forward. You scrutinized him, trying to see if Zaneri was telling the truth. That stupid poker face was as impenetrable as ever, though. For all you knew, he could be plotting to murder you all and rejoin the Ten Commandments.

"Didn't I tell you?" he asked. "I only went over there to say hi, remember?"

"B-But listen, you!" Jenna said. "How did you greet them?"

"What, what, what? I just warned them that if they did something stupid, we'd beat them up?"

You ran a hand down your face. "That is not what saying hello means," you muttered.

Harlequin seemed similarly distressed. "You're the one who did something stupid! What you did was pick a fight with them!"

Meliodas scratched the back of his head. "Well, I guess that's true."

Jenna towered over Meliodas, her expression pinched in anger. "You intentionally went out of your way to wake a sleeping Giant! You moron!"

"Do you have to get that mad?"

You rubbed your temples and got to your feet.

"Right now, Britannia is teeming with nations and towns. They can raid them more efficiently if they split up...That thought will definitely cross their minds." You were astounded at his ability to do a complete 180. "As long as the Ten Commandments are all in one place, frankly, we don't stand a chance...myself included."

Tension rolled off the others in waves. You crossed your arms.

"So we're gonna separate them, and crush them one or two at a time!"

renegade (seven deadly sins)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat