ACT ONE / reunited

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haha hello we're back, i'm probably going to take a break over the weekend (maybe another book might come out??? hmm???)


You arrived at Baste Prison. On the way, Hawk had told you the story about Dana, and his daughter being kidnapped. Hawk and Diane had gotten both the girl's location and the fastest path from the shepherd in the forest. You were worried it was a trap, but when you got to the top of the prison, no one was there.

Diane led the way, followed by Hawk and Meliodas, the latter of which had met you at the prison. You brought up the rear, surveying the land below, and noticed there was a clump of Holy Knights at the base of the prison. A chill ran down your spine; you were sure this was a trap, just like you had feared. None of you were at your peak strength and you could sense a strong magic signature.

You reluctantly followed the others. Meliodas and Hawk were already inside one of the doorways, Diane on her hands and knees outside of it. You walked up to them and looked inside as well.

A pretty young woman with honey blond hair and glasses slept on a bed in the cell. "Let's get her out. Got room in your backpack for one more?" Meliodas asked Diane.

"Yep, no problem."

The woman's eyes began to flutter open. You figured that the sight of a Giant reaching for the iron bars was too much for her, judging by the loud scream that filled the prison, followed by her falling unconscious.

Diane put the woman next to Elizabeth in her backpack. "Is she okay?" you asked.

"Yeah, she's only passed out." Diane didn't seem bothered by it, closing the backpack over the pair and securing the straps.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway behind you. You turned to see a man emerge from the shadows. He was intimidatingly tall, with no shirt and maroon pants on. A scar crept up the side of his neck and face, his spiky blue hair giving way for it.

"Captain?" His voice has not changed at all, you thought with a frown.

Meliodas stared back at him silently. Even though you knew that they were friends, they seemed to be almost glaring at each other.

"Why am I getting a nasty vibe right after they've reunited?" Hawk asked, looking between the two with sweat droplets running down the sides of his face. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"And you're right to." Diane scooted back and gave both of you a look out of the corner of her eye. "You two should get behind me." Hawk squealed and cowered behind her. You followed a little slower, curious as to what would happen.

A moment passed. And then...

"Ban!" Meliodas shouted, raising his hands above his head with a wide smile.

"Captain!" Ban replied in kind, putting his hands in front of him and giving Meliodas a cheeky grin.

You all watched as the pair engaged in an...interesting reunion. It started with a fast imitation of patty-cake, and quickly changed course as Ban clasped his hands together and slammed Meliodas through the wall.

"Captain! Me next!" Ban yelled, jumping up and down and waving his hands above his head. Meliodas launched himself forward and headbutted Ban so hard he flew through a few more walls.

"What?" Hawk asked. Diane sighed and said something under her breath, looking exasperated with the whole situation.

Ban and Meliodas met back in the hallway and dropped to their stomachs, grasping the other's hand to start an arm wrestling competition. They were both still giggling like children, and you watched with wide eyes as the floor around the two caved in. The prison began to crumble.

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