ACT ONE / fear and death

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(yoo MC does some SHIT during this chapter now lmao)

oOoh sPIcy tHInGS aRE HappeNinG


You flew next to Hawk and Elizabeth, trying to get them to a point of safety before the Holy Knights came.

"Even if I end up as roast pork, or pork-kebab, no, even if I'm reduced to trotters, I'll make sure you both stay safe!" Hawk pledged.

"I can't let you do that!" Elizabeth exclaimed. She looked between you and Hawk and managed a smile. "We'll all make it out in one piece together, okay?"

Hawk skidded to a stop. "Elizabeth!"

Off to your right, Ban and Meliodas slammed into each other midair and fell down to the ground. You ran over to them, your hand hovering over Meliodas' shoulder. "They have near fatal injuries," you said. "We need to get them to safety."

You started to pick Meliodas up, but an explosion next to you forced you to drop him and leap away. You clicked your tongue at the familiar magic spell and turned.

Guila and Jericho strolled up to you. Neither of them looked worried at all; in fact, they looked sure in their chances. What misplaced confidence, you thought, standing up.

Jericho was faster than you expected. Still, it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. She darted behind you and slashed at your back. "Godspeed Ten Flashes!"

You scoffed and parried aside each blow, sending them flying off course. Jericho backed up a little, glaring at you with a guarded expression. "I simply cannot believe those two were bested by the likes of you."

"Perhaps this will jog your memory?"

You spun and thrust your hand out, meeting each of Guila's explosives with a blast of wind that made them explode mid flight. As the smoke settled, you parried Guila's lance aside with an arc of wind. You danced around each of her jabs and found your mark against her armor. She gasped as you sent her flying with a blast of wind.

Something shifted. You sighed in disappointment and jumped away. "A move so cowardly would have never gone over well with Sir Zaratras," you chided, watching as Jericho's blade hit the ground. "Tell me, what has Hendrickson been teaching you?"

"Nothing a traitor should be concerned about," she snarled. Guila recovered and got to her feet. You backed up and took a lazy en-garde stance, looking between them with disinterest.

"Hey, Captain!" You looked up to the sky and saw Harlequin flying toward you on his pillow. "It seems the residents have all been evacuated!"

Confusion flitted across his expression as he made eye contact with you and looked down at Meliodas and Ban. "What happened?"

Guila grunted and lifted her lance, detonating a large collection of explosives around Harlequin. He let out a surprised cry as they went off. As the smoke cleared, you saw that his Chastiefol had turned into its fifth form, protecting him from the blast.

Jericho attempted to attack him from behind. He reverted Chastiefol to its original form and batted her down to the ground. You cast Sky's Protection and threw it like a discus at Guila, knocking her lance aside before she could set off another explosion. As she turned her focus on you, you flung your hand up and down. A blast of wind sent her flying into the air and crashing to the ground.

Harlequin yawned and stretched his hands above his head. "Well, I'm good and warmed up now, so why don't we get down to--Huh?" You almost laughed at the disappointment on his face as he saw Guila and Jericho crumpled on the ground, near unconscious and badly injured. "You're done already?"

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