ACT ONE / goat sin of lust

2.5K 107 16


(future rebecca beating past future rebecca over the head to say that i just realized we reached 70k views actively crying thank you so much)

(future rebecca checking in again to say y'all are insane for getting 10k views; this is the fastest growing story on my profile i'm sobbing)

lmao i hope you enjoy the ending because one of the many best boys in this anime is getting some screen time


You stumbled as you landed on the ground in front of the Boar's Hat Tavern. You had flown almost nonstop, both as a training opportunity and to get back before something terrible happened to your friends. In those five days it took to get to Nubium and back, you had gotten such a grasp on your powers that you felt so much stronger than when you left.

You walked up to the door. "Hello?" you called, opening it to find the place deserted. You looked around, confused as to where everyone had went, and headed back outside.

Diane and Hawk stood at the edge of the forest with the old man from the Fighting Festival next to them. "Hey," you called, jogging over to them. At the sound of your voice, Diane and Hawk turned with large smiles on their faces.

Diane squealed your name, picking you up and rubbing her face against yours. "I've missed you so much! Where have you been?"

"Personal business," you replied, deciding to wait until everyone was reunited before giving a full answer. "Where are the others?"

"Something weird is going on deeper in the forest," Hawk explained. "Elizabeth just ran in there with some kind of weapon!"

Your eyes widened. "Give me a moment," you said as you freed yourself from Diane's grip, landed on the ground, and took off. You didn't fly to conserve your magic, instead running as fast as you could.

"...If that's your sin, then I'm willing to carry it, too!"

You skidded to a stop at the edge of a cliff, Elizabeth to your right and the Sins gathered below. An unfamiliar pink-haired person, not quite male or female at first glance, stood among them. In front of them was a horrid demonic creature with a man's upper body poking out of its chest.

"Are you really okay with making a woman say all..."

Meliodas cut Ban off as he leapt into the air, drew a sword out of its scabbard, and slashed through the demon multiple times. It turned gray, cracked, and collapsed into a thousand pieces.

Meliodas and Elizabeth exchanged a smile. The person walked over with Harlequin on their back, and you were relieved that none of them seemed to be too injured.

"That was amazing, Captain!" Harlequin exclaimed. "Just as expected."

"King...sorry about that."

"No, no, I can take it."

Ban walked over to the demon's corpse. The pink-haired person glanced at Elizabeth before looking at you. "Captain, there appears to be someone staring at us. Do you think they're a threat?"

"No, it's just Elizabeth..." Meliodas' voice trailed off as he made eye contact with you. His expression matched yours: you both stared at each other with masks of stone, not letting any emotions through in your silent war.

Harlequin glanced between the two of you. "What's going on?" he asked.

Elizabeth murmured your name and put her hand on your shoulder. You didn't waver in your stare. Neither did Meliodas. The aftermath of the battle grew quiet. Even Ban's murmur from where the demon fell seemed to fade away.

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