Chapter 6

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After your talk, you went together to the galley, as none of you had had breakfast yet. Little Law had already finished eating and was now playing with the crew, but he run to you as soon as you entered the room, calling your name and tightly hugging your legs.

"Hello, sweetie. Did you eat well?" you greeted him caressing the back of his head with your fingertips.

He looked up to you smiling widely and nodded. "I missed you," he told you sweetly.

You laughed softly at his cuteness. "You missed me? We haven't been apart for that long," you noted.

"But I missed you," he repeated tightening his hug.

"Okay, I missed you too," you admitted earning a beaming smile from him.

Law stopped in his tracks when he saw the kid's clothes. "What the hell am I wearing, (Y/N)-ya?" he wondered bewildered and irritated at the same time.

You turned to your captain and studied him from head to toe. "A hoodie and spotted jeans?" you guessed raising a brow at his weird question.

"You know who I'm referring to," he said through gritted teeth as a vein popped on his temple.

It took you some seconds to actually understand what he meant. "Oh, you're talking about chibi Law."

The surgeon rolled his eyes. And here he thought Strawhat was dense.

"His other clothes were dirty. Those shorts are the only thing I have that suits him," you told as you went to pour some cereal and milk into a bowl with chibi Law clinging to you. You turned your head to your captain when you sensed his persistent glare stabbing your nape. "Does the genius have any better idea?"

He just grunted and went to make himself a coffee, so you assumed the answer was 'no'.

You had quite a peaceful morning, playing with little Law. He was too adorable, and he never left your side. The other Law stayed most of the time in his room, looking for information about Memory Island through his books, although he had thoroughly studied them before landing there, so the chances to find something new where almost non-existent.

After lunch, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, with chibi Law glued to your side as he had been all day. Your eyes dropped to a certain spot in the floor as you opened the door.

What the hell had happened?

You stayed quiet for a while, scanning the room. There was a yellowish poodle next to the toilet and many splashes spread around.

Your lips pressed into a thin line as you took in the messy scene before you. "SHACHI!!!!!!" you angrily shouted.

After several seconds, a very scared Shachi arrived to the hall, stopping a few steps away from you. Some nosy spectators came after him, keeping some distance from the show they knew were about to take place.

"What is this mess? Explain!" you ordered pointing to the dirty bathroom.

He cringed as he eyed the place you were pointing at. "I-" he started.

Law arrived then, attracted by your shouts.

"I thought I made myself clear about this. If you want to play target practice, fine. But clean it after you're done so I don't have to know about your sick games!" you kept scolding him.

He raised his hands in front of him, trying to get some protection from your rage. "I-I know, I know. C-Calm down. This time it wasn't me. I do-" he tried.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now