Chapter 21

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You and Law followed Adriano to the forest, the kid still sleeping in your arms. It was getting dark, but you still had enough light to see through the forest.

Adriano led you to a small clearing surrounded by tall trees. When you raised your sight you found a thick fog swirling between them, high over your heads, although the trees were so tall you wouldn't have been able to see the top anyways.

"It's here," Adriano stated, staring in amazement at the fog. "Wow, I never thought I would get to see this."

"How old is your grandfather?" you questioned, realizing he should have more than a hundred years.

Adriano's eyes left the swirling fog from above to look at you with a smile. "He's a hundred and fifteen years old."

Your eyes widened in shock. So he traveled to the future when he was fifteen... No wonder he looked so fragile and worn out. It was a miracle he was still alive.

"The cloud hasn't formed yet. We still have time," Law declared looking up at the fog with a frown. "Let's go to the hotel. We have to talk with the crew. Thanks for your help Adriano-ya," he added looking at the young ice-seller. You thanked him as well.

"No problem. I'm glad I could help you. Thank you as well, for proving the existence of the magic," Adriano smiled.

You went together back to town, where you parted. Adriano returned to his house, and Law and you went to the hotel. You had to wake up chibi Law for dinner, when all the crew reunited and discussed about the fog.

The crew offered to take turns to keep an eye on the fog, so Law and you could relax. You blushed a bit and smiled with gratitude, knowing they were doing this because they wanted you to enjoy your newly born relationship. As soon as one of them saw the cloud starting to glow, he would inform the rest so you could calculate when the rain would fall, twenty-four hours later. They would start the next morning, as Law considered the fog was still pretty much diffused and it was safe to wait until then.

The next morning, when you woke up, Law was gone.

You freaked out for a few agonizing seconds until you remembered he had to show the crew where the fog was. You still felt anxious despite keeping that in mind, though. You knew if he had faded you wouldn't remember him, so you wouldn't even care he was gone if that was the case, but that idea only made your heart ache.

You waited for chibi Law to wake up and had breakfast with him at your hotel room. He wanted to go out for a walk, but you didn't dare to leave while Law was gone, fearing he would never come back if you did.

"Can we play horse-back riding?" chibi Law asked you. You had ended sitting on the couch to wait for your boyfriend.

"I'm not in the mood for that. I'm sorry honey," you weakly smiled.

"Why are you sad?" he questioned with worry, moving closer to you and hugging your neck, pressing his cheek against yours.

You took off his hat and softly stroke his hair, hugging him with your free arm. "I'm not sad, I'm just worried. Don't worry; I'll cheer up when Captain comes back," you mumbled.

"I want to cheer you up now," he said, moving to look at you with his huge, bright, innocent eyes.

"You already do," you smiled, tightening your hold and kissing his forehead.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now