Chapter 26 (Lemon)

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(E/C) = Eye Color
(S/C) = Skin Color
(F/C) = Favorite Color

You stretched your limbs with a content sigh before letting yourself fall backwards into your cozy mattress.

It had been little more than two weeks since the kid's departure, and you still hadn't gotten used to his absence, but you couldn't complaint. The lasts days had been pretty simple and relaxing, but you wouldn't change them for anything. You had spent almost every single hour of your days with your boyfriend, and even if you never got to do anything exceptional, you had really enjoyed all the time you spent together and all the new things you had learnt about him. Plus, it was a relief to have some time to relax, without having to worry about marines, pirates, crazy allies or fogs risking your captain to disappear.

"Are you coming?" you asked Law, sitting up on the unmade bed to look at him.

He was in his desk, writing something down. "Hmm..." he hummed distractedly with his eyes fixed on the paper he was writing.

"If you're not in bed in five minutes, I'll go get you," you stated crossing your arms in determination. You had decided you were going to make sure he got the rest he needed every night, and for now, you were doing pretty well.

"You're lucky you're my girlfriend. Not everybody is allowed to boss me around and remain in one entire piece." He placed the paper aside with a smirk and turned off the desk lamp. He was in his pajamas; a black short-sleeved shirt and black sweatpants with his jolly roger colored in yellow at the left side of his chest, his hat already gone. It was hard to believe someone could look so sexy in such dull, common attire.

You grinned when he crawled on the bed and knelt on the mattress. He then pulled you to sit on his lap and leaned in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around you as you wrapped yours around him.

"You still owe me many kisses," he purred before joining your lips.

You smiled in the kiss. During the days you had been sick, excluding the time when he prepared the romantic dinner, you had refused to kiss him, not wanting him to get sick as well. So he had decided you owed him all the kisses you could have given him those days, which you found extremely adorable, especially coming from such a serious, cool-headed man (although he had proven to you plenty of times that it was just a small part of what he truly was.)

You slightly separated from him to admire his handsome face, feeling lucky for being the only one with the right to witness all of his different faces and know every hidden corner of his soul. "I love your messy hair," you whispered in happiness, intertwining your fingers with his dark locks.

He smiled before joining yours lips one more time, kissing you with that sweetness and tenderness you adored, as his hands slowly stroked your back over your pajama shirt. You licked his lips, and he immediately complied letting you access. Your tongue shyly explored his mouth before lovingly entwining with his.

His relaxed, gentle caresses slowly escalated into a more intense, yearning ones, his hands sneaking under your shirt to feel your soft skin in his palms as he deepened the kiss, pulling you even closer and unconsciously bucking his hips against yours.

It had been the same all these lasts days. He had started slightly losing his control every time you made out, but he always restrained himself before the situation heightened too much. You knew he wanted more, and being honest, you wanted more as well. But none of you had dared to make a move and step into the next level.

One of his hands went down to your butt to give it a playful squeeze before breaking the kiss in need of oxygen, the air coming out your lungs in ragged breaths. You noticed his cheeks had a light pink color, proving the intensity of the passion he felt towards you.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ