Chapter 15

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You placed chibi Law in the bed after changing him into his pajamas and covered him with the bed sheets before sitting on the mattress with him.

"I don't want to go to bed yet," he protested.

"I know, but you heard Captain. You need to rest," you said sweetly, stroking his raven hair.

He pouted, but didn't say anything else.

You stood and went to grab your own pajamas. You had left them in Law's room, so you didn't have to go to yours every time. You swiftly changed into them, enjoying how comfy they were, and went back to sit with your little darling. He moved his small hand in search of yours and you gently held it when you noticed.

When Law arrived he had fallen asleep long ago. You silently stood and followed the surgeon to his desk, so you could talk without waking the child. You stared at Law expectantly.

"He has infection," he stated in a low voice. "He'll have to take antibiotics for a week. Twice a day. One after breakfast and the other after dinner, starting today. The pills I have are made for adults. I'll cut them so he can take the needed quantity. Crushing the pills and mixing them with some water will probably be the best way to give him the medicine. You can use a syringe to take the mixture, I'll give you one."

"Aren't you going to take charge of that?" you whispered raising a brow. You had remained silent, attentively listening to his instructions, but it surprised you he had decided you would take care of the child's illness, being he the doctor.

"He adores you. It will be easier if you do it," he simply declared with a smirk. "Would you prefer me to do it?" he offered.

"No, no. There's no problem. I like taking care of yo- him! I like taking care of him."

He chuckled at your slip and the faint blush on your cheeks. "One more thing. If the fever gets too high, he can take paracetamol. It was a bit high when I checked it at the sick bay, but if he's asleep we'll let him rest. If it's still high when he wakes up and you notice he's feeling unwell, give him half a tablet of paracetamol. But if he looks fine and has energy, it probably won't be necessary, just tell me and I'll help you to keep an eye on him. Alright?"

You nodded.

"And of course he can't eat anything cold or too warm. If you have any doubt or there is any problem, ask me."

You nodded again. "Okay. Thank you," you muttered taking the sheet he handed you. It contained all the instructions he just explained. "Law," you quietly called him. "Is it okay if I bring some of my belongings here? I don't want to leave the kid alone, but I have nothing here to spend my time."

"Of course. I'll clear some space in the closet for you."

"Oh, no, no. It's not necessary. I'll take everything back to my room when I'm done," you turned down his offer.

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal. It'll be more convenient for you if you can leave here what you need. Bring some clothes as well," he insisted.

You didn't know what else you could say, so you thanked him and went to your room to grab your things. When you were back your captain had already left you half the closet and one drawer, but he was gone.

You eyed the kid to make sure he was fine and sleeping before silently starting to place your things in the closet with a smile on your lips.

"Please, honey. Do it for me. For (Y/N), your future wife," you begged in desperation. You already had dinner and were in the galley trying to get chibi Law to take the antibiotic. You did as Law instructed and crushed the little pieces of the pill he had cut, mixed them with a bit of water and took the mixture in a syringe. You were now with the syringe in your hand, waiting for chibi Law to show some mercy for your poor exhausted soul and open his mouth so you could pour the liquid in it. But he stubbornly refused to do so. "Pleaaaase. We've been here forty minutes. You were supposed to take this with food."

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now