Chapter 14

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(F/F) = Favorite Flavor

The first thing you noticed when you gradually returned to your senses was a warm, heavy weight laying over you. A smile spread through your face as you remembered who that weight belonged to.

You slowly opened your eyes. He looked exactly as he did before you fell asleep, although he had closed his mouth at some moment during the night.

You carefully moved, trying to get out without waking him, but he tightened his hold on you, snuggling into your neck before going numb once again and drifting back into his sleep. You tried one more time, getting the same result, but this time he let out a whiny groan as he moved to completely lay on top of you, like a spoilt little child who didn't want to let his toy go.

You would have sighed if your lungs weren't being crushed by him. You needed to go to the bathroom but it seemed you would have to accept your fate; you had become your new captain's favorite pillow, along with Bepo.

You stared at the ceiling in defeat, deciding to wait for him to wake up. You could wake him yourself, but you didn't want to disturb his much needed rest.

He started to stir not long after, finally waking up. He raised his head and blinked at you in drowsiness, his brows slightly furrowed because of the bright light entering through the window.

"Morning Cap- Uh... Morning Law," you greeted him almost calling him Captain out of habit. He was too groggy to realize about it, though.

"Morning," he greeted back with a husky voice, a smile forming on his lips.

"Did you sleep well?" You already knew the answer, but you wanted to make sure.

"Excellently, yes," he answered raising a hand to rub his eyes, but without changing his position.

"No nightmares?"

"No nightmares. You're better than any sleeping pill," he stated, being more awake now.

"I see, doctor's compliment. Thank you, I guess."

He let out an airy chuckle at your silly joke. He noticed then the slight trail of saliva remaining at the corner of his mouth and wiped it in annoyance. "I hate it when I slobber all over my face," he grunted causing you to giggle.

"This time you slobbered on me as well," you informed him humorously and laughing a bit at the embarrassed look on his face. "Don't worry. It means you were enjoying your sleep. That's good."

He smiled in gratitude and averted his gaze, not knowing what to say.

"Hmmm, Law?"

He turned his eyes back to you.

"I really need to pee."

He blinked in confusion. And then, he realized you were trapped under him. He blushed and moved aside, muttering a 'sorry' as he sat on the empty side of the bed.

"I'm going to my room to take a shower," he said as you stood and hurried to the bathroom. "We meet at the dock to depart."

You gave him a quick thumbs up to let him know you had heard him, before entering the bathroom and closing the door.

You huffed in irritation as you sat on the floor. You had locked yourself with chibi Law in the sub's storage to hide from your insufferable crewmates. Someone saw Law coming out your hotel room and their dirty minds did the rest. They already teased you when you started sleeping in his room, but this fueled the fire because they knew the kid was with Bepo and not with you. They weren't even sure he had spent the night with you, but it wasn't an obstacle to keep them from making up perverted stories of what might had happened in that room and tease you about it. They knew they risked losing a limb if they teased their captain, but nothing prevented them from pulling your leg.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now