Chapter 15

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It was two days later, and we had taken in over 12 other packs, all with a similar story; a dark shadow, a war, someone getting sick or dying. It was all the same. They all had been given a deal - join or die. Many had lost members already and some had many sick. I realized we may start having problems with so many Alphas in one area and so tightly contained at that. We'd already had a few squabbles here and there but solving them was pretty easy. However I knew with time it would become a real problem.

Every pack had or was building their own house on our land. It helped some because their houses provided their own place only they could be. It helped with the separation when things got out of hand. Our land was massive and houses us easily and there were a few more packs coming as well. The town was still quiet and the high school had begun to be crowded with the new arrivals of the pack

Of course everyone swooned over the good looking teens, but many of them had mates waiting back home. They attended for appearance, or just because they were bored. Believe me I would be with them too if I didn't have a million things to keep in order at the house. Others went to see if their mate was in the school as well. Honestly a few kids had found their mates within the great meeting of the packs. Which got me I couldn't think about it now, I'd have to put a pin in that.

Anyway, though she wasn't happy about it, Lauren had to spend her days at school and home. Her mom had begun to crack down on her because of her current grades so she was locked against her will.

This is so unfair. I heard just as I was about to contact her.

I know love, I wish I could be there with you, but I have to be here. I had to stay in our territory to make sure the rival packs wouldn't destroy too much of my land. Most of the time if I wasn't around, at least two Alpha's would be going at each other's throats, so for the safety of the entire Shifter kind I stayed in our territory.

Can you talk to my mom and see if she'll maybe let you visit me? I missed her too of course. The feeling of her hand in mine. My wolf begged to see her.

I can see what I can do, love. For now Go and learn. I'll be here when you get back from class. I felt some anger as the link closed and I knew her teachers were in for a rough class.

"Alpha." Chance had approached. 

"Chance." He looked uncomfortable. "Yes what is it?"

"There's a fight on the East area of the lot." Internally I groaned. This meant it was two or three Alphas because otherwise Quincy would take care of it. 

Shifting I began trotting over to the fight I could now hear evidently getting bigger. I passed many wolves and humans along the way and realized how much taller I was than everyone else. I stood behind a bush and watched the fight happen. I could smell the testosterone in the air and saw two females cowering next to a tree trying to make themselves as small as possible. By the look of them they were young, and probably had just shifted a few days ago or even today. They were scared. 

There were two males going at each other and more standing behind each of them growling at the other. I could tell that the two males were Alphas and those behind them were probably those in their pack. I could tell they were trying to get to the females and I was quite done with the day already. 

What the fuck is going on here? I thought pushing my authority in my words. My lips were pulled back a low growl coming from my throat. Immediately the two Alphas separated and the other males tried to flee. 

Don't you dare move. I thought at them and they froze in place. One of the two Alphas from the fight looked at me and I saw the defiance in his eyes as soon as we made eye contact. Before he could say anything I began a slow stalk toward him.

I'd be very careful with what you're about to say to me and if it's wise. I stopped directly in front of him, his head not even reaching the top of my shoulder. Realizing the size difference the defiance in his eyes slowly drained and he sunk to his front knees bowing in my direction.

Now what is going on here? I asked my eyes flicking back and forth between them. Neither spoke. I turned to the two young females the question in their heads already.

We were walking in the woods and the males came out of nowhere. They tried to grab us....We've never even seen them before. By the way they were trembling I knew they were telling the truth. Which ones, the Alphas or the idiots behind them? One of them flicked her eyes to the dumbass wolves behind the Alphas and I had my answer. Evelyn, please come over and escort these two young women back to their house and help them shift back. I have to deal with these two males.

In what world were you two raised that you think it's right to grab two females inappropriately before they've even shifted?  Again, neither answered.  Very well, if you won't talk then you will return to your houses. All four of you. None of you are allowed out of your house until you get your shit straight. Do you understand me? I glared at them waiting for more defiance but none came. The authority in my tone had forced them to obey. They shrunk back to the where their houses were and shifted back as they went. 

I also shifted and ran my hand through my hair and over my face

"And this is why I like girls." But the only response I got were the trees swaying with the wind. 

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