Chapter 21

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It had been weeks since Leto had visited me and no one had heard a thing about the shadow. There was nothing we took more serious than a threat to the packs. Lucas hadn't remembered anything else and I hadn't pushed him. Many of the packs wanted him and Gabriel to pay for intruding on the challenge but honestly I knew they may not have chosen to back Malachai.

There was no clear known in this and it scared everyone. If we knew what was coming, maybe we could learn to fight or hold it off, but there was just no way to know what it was.

Of course we trained for everything, many talented in the other packs had developed their powers while staying with us. I knew the new power Leto had given me would be needed soon, but I haven't found the courage to tap back into my ancient power. I knew my cowardness could kill us all but I just wasn't ready. Lauren was on lockdown again by her mother and as much as I hated this, it may be for the best right now. I needed her safe. Did I send many patrols to guard her house? Of course I did but you can't blame me I was scared for my mate.

She turned 18 in 9 months and we were counting down the days. This meant I could bond with her. Bonding was a form of marriage in the wolf world. Mates bond for life, they will only ever take one mate. Bonding happened on the night of a full moon. The two mates stand on two sides, males on one and the females on the other. They spread to make a half circle and would shift into their wolf forms. Humans would stand between two wolves to signify the protection the pack provides. The Alpha would usually perform the Ceremony, however if the Alpha is the one being bonded then the Beta or another of their choice would perform the Ceremony.

The Ceremony was sacred. Mates were allowed to see each other for 24 hours before it, and this was a time of reflection. Whether or not they wanted to commit to their mate. 99% of the time they were sure they wanted to, but there was a case of two wolves who decided they weren't right for eachother. But after that, it broke them, they had never been the same again.

Alpha you need to get over here. Quinlian sounded panicked. I shifted galloping to her and passed many wolves with their hackles raised. Many followed me out of our camp. The smell of blood filled my nose and a young wolf came into view. She was laying on the ground ripped open similarly to Apollo had bene when we found him This time though I knew she couldn't be saved. Her breathing was almost non-existent.

My child, what happened? She could barely think.

He...He said we had 3 days and then he will come. Her eyes closed, her last breath left her and her body went still.

Safe travels my friend to the stars above us. May you run forever free, and have bountiful hunting.

Quinlian please notify her pack. Tell every Alpha to come to our pack house. The battle is almost here. My eyes lingered on the wolf, this young girl didn't have to die. There was no need for this.

PHOENIX! A shot of pure terror ran through my body. I knew that voice. Lauren. I took off as fast as possible toward her house. Quincy on me! Blaze get there as fast as possible. Arielle, Derek, Jax, Axel run perimeter and take others at camp with you. I pushed myself to run even faster, Quincy fell behind me. I reached my senses out to find her, but in my heart I knew she wouldn't answer. She was Gone. 

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