Chapter 37

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I could feel the pressure of the dagger in my back but there was no pain. I had taken a deep breath as it entered me and I could feel my body trying to take another breath. I could see Lauren's horrified face as she looked down. I could hear everything but it became muffled. I felt like I was in slow motion. I slowly turned to see a twisted face looking down at me with a twisted smile.

Slowly I felt my knees buckle. Vaguely I realized someone had caught my head before I hit the ground but I couldn't figure out who.

"Poison....Kill her...after him!" Was all I could hear from the conversations around me. Someone came into my view and tears ran from her eyes.

"Hold on Phoenix please I can't lose you." I wanted to tell her it was okay. I wanted to tell her I would hang on but it was getting too hard to focus on anything. I never thought I would die, never thought that someone would kill me. My healing and powers made it almost impossible. Here I was fighting for my breath because some idiot jabbed a poison dagger into my back.

"Someone heal her please." I heard Lauren beg. Quincy stood over her tears forming in his eyes too. "Lauren we cannot save her, I'm so sorry." My vision blurred, I could not focus. My breaths came in gasps now. In my vision I saw a starry black wolf approaching me. I knew she was visible to everyone as I could faintly hear gasps of surprise.

Phoenix it is time. She thought to me.

No, I don't want to go.

Child it is time to go. You will watch over them as I have done, you will be with me. I could hear Lauren crying grasping my hand like it was the last twinkie on the shelf.

"I love you." I choked out to her hoping it sounded at least somewhat like I wanted it to.

Okay Leto. Suddenly everything became sharper. I was no longer the dying wolf on the ground I was hovering above them. My body lay lifeless in Laurens arms. Around me I could see multiple people look up and gasp as they saw me. Eventually everyone was staring at me and Leto. Leto stepped forward.

Children, I am Leto, goddess of WereWolves. Today you fought one of the worst battles in our history and you have won. Many of you have lost a loved one and I am truly sorry. They are all invited to run with me as they have died a noble cause. Rest assured none died in vain.

As Leto talked, spirits of the wolves who died began to stand up from their broken bodies and walk over to Leto.

Wolves, take your time for your goodbyes. You have earned this for yourself.

Each wolf in turn walked to a loved one or family member. I turned to my pack. Lauren was still in tears unable to figure out what was happening. I walked over to her and took her chin in my hand.

"My love I am so sorry to leave you. But I promise you this I will find my way back to you. We will be together again." Lauren threw herself into my arms.

"Quincy you were the best Beta I could have asked for. Thank you for all you did for me a few centuries ago. I can only ask now that you help guide Lauren through whatever she may face. In my closest behind my dueling robes you will find a letter, please read it when you have a chance.

Cennady and Jax, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know they will be with me. Cennady your son has a gift and I am hoping with time he can become a very powerful wolf. Many of the other packs will want his gift; be ready when he reaches maturity." I then turned to face all the wolves who had fought today.

"I cannot thank any of you enough for the sacrifice you have made. This is not the end, however. Alice is still out there and while Ii am hoping she will do the right thing I know she will not. Someday soon you will have to gather here again and another battle will be underway."

I turned to follow Leto as the rest of the wolf spirits joined us. I knew I had to go but did not want to, part of my heart had been ripped away leaving my mate behind. With one last glance I shifted one final time into my White Wolf. 

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