Chapter 31

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They walked with lurching steps in a lopsided march toward our defensive line. As they began to emerge from the trees we began to see just how outnumbered we really were. They walked shoulder to shoulder, their scars shining in the sunlight. Many of them bore scars through one of their eyes. I remembered Lauren had told me that she had noticed this, however she never knew why. I felt our wolves begin to shift around me, their nervousness flowing outward.

Do not show them weakness! I can smell your terror. Hide it! I snapped to all of them and the movement behind me ceased. Even the other Alphas who stood behind me and my pack were getting restless. I could tell some of them were excited while others had no clue what to feel. My eyes narrowed as their march slowed to a stop about 100 yards away.

Somewhere near the back of their lines a disturbance began. It was another 2 long minutes before we saw something moving toward us through their lines. The wolves moved to reveal two figures, both dark and covered in black cloaks. They stopped just in front of the line. I watched their eyes sweep over our defensive line and finally rest on me. The smaller of the two stepped forward.

"I have waited for this moment for almost two centuries. To look into your eyes, sister, and watch your certain demise." The other figure stepped forward and silence ensued. He threw back the hood of his cloak and my legs almost buckled underneath me. Here was the man who I once loved as my father, who I thought had died, and now he stood here staring me down with hatred in his eyes.

Stand firm, Phoenix. I heard from Quincy, my legs still shaking.

"You've grown, my petit loup." I cringed at his use of my old nickname he had. It meant little wolf in French. He had always been fond of the French language.

"I remember when you were just a little pup, running around. And then you became the worst little bitch that ever lived. You took everything away from me! EVERYTHING!" All the wolves along his line flinched at his voice.

I took nothing from you. You were supposed to be my father. You were supposed to teach me the ways of the wolf, instead you killed everyone in the pack. I thought back, projecting my thoughts to everyone in the vicinity.

"LIES!" He yelled again another ripple of unease came from his wolves. "You should have never been born. I had it all before you came along. A wife, a pack, people who loved me."

None of that was my fault. I remember when you were the best father to me. Then when mom died you changed. You drunk, hit me, and began to hate me. That was your choice. He snarled at me, the other figure next to him began to growl as well.

"Well, if you really want to make me the bad guy. See, my son doesn't think that way, he backs me full heartedly. Don't you, Gabriel?" My gaze looked at the figure next to him. He was only a few inches shorter than my father, and held a hatred around him. It saddened me that he had been raised in hate not knowing anything else but the rage of my father. Part of me wanted to try and save him, but when his eyes met mine I knew he wouldn't ever be saved.

Enough talk, I want to rip these wolves to shreds! Apollo thought, causing Jax, Blake, Carson, Derek and Blaze to nash their teeth in agreement. He was right. I could talk with this man all I wanted but it wouldn't solve anything. He would still hate me.

He must've sensed a shift in our ranks because his wolves began to push against each other ready to jump into action.

I love you, Lauren. Always. I thought to my mate before howling the signal to attack.

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