Chapter 22

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We got to her house and it was a disaster. The two wolves on guard had been killed, and her mom was in a bad state. Don't move the wolves yet until I've had a look around. I thought to the others who had gathered. They all bowed their heads - some had tears rolling down their massive muzzles.

Slowly I kneeled beside her mom and began to heal her. Leaving some minor cuts and such so she'd be able to pass that an attacker had been to her house when we took her to the hospital. That sounds horrible, I know, but people can't know what really happened here.

Arielle please come in. Change the memories in her mind. I walked out to the two wolves who had been slaughtered. They were ripped open just as the other young wolf had been, but it was clear they never stood a chance against what attacked them.

"Safe travels to the stars above us. May you run forever free, and have bountiful hunting." I put my hands on their eyes to close them and let the other wolves say their goodbyes. I walked back in the house and up to Laurens room. It was then that my entire composure broke. My hands began to shake and I could feel everything collapsing around me.

"Breathe Amarqu." I knew that voice but I couldn't place it. My heart began to slow and I took another deep breath. My eyes opened and I saw a white and black wolf standing in front of me. Alice. She had been the only other member in my old pack to survive my father's terrible rage. She had been like a mother to me, and I loved her with my being. She'd left, and made it her mission to find every magical being and learn all magic in the world. I hadn't seen her since she left. My mind cleared and I focused on her.

"How did you?" She smiled. "I've been trying to make it back to you for a while now. I have information on what you're facing." It took a moment for me to gather myself and I stood upright.

Derek, Blaze, Apollo, you need to run perimeter and try and trace anything you can to Lauren. I need to speak with Alice alone.

"You're dealing with Two creatures. The creature that kills is called a Hellerash. A wolf like creature that was once a werewolf. One completely consumed by Evil and hate that turns into an almost unstoppable creature.

Now normally these creatures can't stay on Earth long unless they have an enormous form of Energy sustaining them. Which brings me to the other creature. My gut tells me it's another werewolf - one that has hated life from the beginning but has not been consumed like the Hellerash. You could call this the Hellerash's master. I believe they have found the perfect balance. The Hellerash feeds off the hate the other provides while in turn this keeps the Master from being consumed." Alice paused studying my reaction.

"Great. So how do we defeat it?"

"I have no clue. You have to understand Phoenix this is something I've never seen before. Hellerash have very rarely existed. In my searches I've found mention of maybe 2 in our entire history of existence. Because of their delicate balance those Hellerash were only even found because somehow they survived long enough to make an imprint on history.

My best guess would be that you have to kill the master. Even just killing the Hellerash won't work. The Master can always try and turn another, however if you killed the Master you'd cut off the Hellerash's life force. They can only survive a short time and my guess is that this one would only survive minutes after it's master is killed." I exhaled a long breath. Running my hand through my hair I thought this over. So the only way to defeat this creature was going to take a lot more than I had hoped.

"There's one more thing."

"What the fuck now, Alice?"

"I believe this master has recruited many wolves already. I've seen packs that are taken by evil. They're marked on their faces or sides with terrible scars."

"How many?" My stomach churned at the thought of more wolves being dragged to their side.

"Enough to outnumber you." My mind spun. How had our population spun that out of control? In a century it seemed like we'd multiplied by double of what we were. Even without our wolf traits of aging quickly we shouldn't have swelled that much.

"Alright. Let's go inform the others." Alice walked out with me behind her and I continued to search for Lauren but I just couldn't feel anything. It was like she never existed. I had to find her.

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