Chapter 32

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Howls continued to rip through the night penetrating the safe room in the pack house. The children whimpered everytime a howl was heard. Arielle and I were doing our best to entertain them with quiet games but even the youngest of the pups knew the disaster of what was going on outside. Everytime a yip of a wolf could be heard the pups looked up not knowing if that was their mother or father in the battle.

"Hey, let's all gather around and hear a story from Arielle." The pups moved to a rough circle around her and she began a story about a lost princess. Quinlian came to stand next to me resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't imagine what it's like having your mate out there. But I know Phoenix and I know what she can do. When she's done the other pack doesn't have a chance. She'll come back." I wished I had his optimism.

"I know she's strong, but what if he gets a hold of her? What if he kills her?" I could barely keep the histariya from my voice.

"I know it's hard not to think about the bad that could happen, but let's be optimistic, especially for the room full of pups...who can sense fear." I took his advice and breathed in deeply. My mind wandered back to the story Arielle was telling to the pups and the human mates.

"...And when the prince finally thought he was safe after defeating the dragon, out came her baby! His fire burned hot but not as hot as hers. The prince was able to defeat the baby dragon as well. But before the final striking blow he saw potential in the eyes of the baby dragon. He picked him up and brought him back home. After a few years the dragon came to love the man and the man loved the dragon. And they lived happily ever after." The pups were loving the stories so Arielle continued on.

While they laughed quietly along with her stories a thought struck me.

Hey Quinlian whatever happened to that Alice person that Phoenix was so close to?

I don't know, she left shortly after she told Phoenix about the Hellerash. Actually come to think of it Phoenix was looking for her the other day but it was like she vanished. I didn't know what yet but something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

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