Chapter 34

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Something wasn't right but I couldn't figure it out. My thoughts went back to the story Arielle had told earlier about the dragon and her baby. There's something we haven't seen yet, but what is it? Before I could get any further Cennady let out a devastating wail. A second later I felt the link between Blaze and myself disconnect. Quinlian went over to Cennady and took her by the shoulders letting her weep in his shirt.

Arielle looked stunned for a minute and once again continued on with her story.

Quinlian there's something wrong. Something besides the battle. The thing that's bothering me is where did Alive go? She loved Phoenix with her being and Phoenix her. When I saw Phoenix's memories I realized just how close they were. She was the only other wolf to survive her father. Why isn't she in the fight? Shouldn't this mean more to her than anything? He thought for a minute.

I don't know, Luna. You're right, though, something doesn't make sense.

Why did she again?

From what I remember she came when you disappeared. She told Phoenix about the Hellerash and what made them. Even told her how to kill them. She helped her calm down enough to find you. The pieces began to fall into place.

Did she ever say anything about where she had been all this time?

Something about the reason she left was to find and track down mystical beings.

Quinlian what if there isn't just one master? What if there's two? Realization dawned on his face.

What if Alice didn't survive the father's rage on accident? What if this has been planned from the beginning? Her father had a son, but who was the mother? It has to be Alice. It all makes sense. She's not at the fight, at least not on our side. She's fighting against us.

And Phoenix has no clue. Quinlian thought back his face grim

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