My, wolf, what a big, never mind

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Okay, when you decide to take a shower, you might want to check the bathroom first, or you might get a big surprise. I grabbed my toiletries with a towel wrapped around me, then went to the bathroom. I opened the door, not realizing Satan was leaving the bathroom at the same time.

That made Satan lose his balance along with his towel, causing him to fall on top of me as my sheet loosened, falling to the floor. We landed on the floor together, naked.

The bedroom door opened as we looked to see Grandma standing there.

"Now we're cooking," Grandma declared, shutting the door.

I pushed Satan off me, grabbing a towel and covering myself. He did the same thing.

"That wasn't supposed to happen," Satan said, wrapping his towel around his waist.

"My, Satan, what big," I started to say.

"Liliana," he interrupted with a look.

"Ego that you have," I finished.

Satan gave me an annoyed look.

"It's not the first time I saw you in all your glory. You act like it's a big deal," I said, walking past Satan into the bathroom. Som much for the theory of free at last unless an edible is involved with it.


I heard the shower turn on and dressed quickly. The last person to see me naked besides Liliana was Cherisse; even then, Cherisse would hide her face. It didn't bother Liliana at all if I'm naked. It seems not a lot of things bothered her where it would with women.

After dressing, I left the bedroom and house to make a call. I stood outside with my phone to my ear as it rang until someone picked up the other end.


"Okay, so I'm in Hawaii, and everything that can go wrong did. Liliana is driving me crazy and not in a bad way. I don't know what this means," I rambled.

It means you like this woman, dumbass.

"You're a big help," I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

Didn't it ever occur to you that the reason you keep Liliana around at work is that you genuinely like her?

"Liliana is a pain in the ass," I retorted.

Who you like. It doesn't matter if you think Liliana is a pain in the ass, you love her. What did you do since you've been there?

"We went to a party; I peed on Liliana's leg. We went hiking, and she got me high. We danced, and she stomped on my foot. Then, we spent the day together, getting a ban from a place. Oh, and we saw each other naked a few minutes ago," I rambled.

You're leaving something out of this conversation. Now, fess up to what it is.

"We kissed," I mumbled.

What? I didn't get that.

"We kissed!" I exclaimed.

Now, we're getting somewhere. Dimitri, you like this girl, and the more you deny it, the more it will rear its ugly head. I know you have this whole brooding thing happening, claiming a single life is fantastic, but you have feelings for this woman.

"Chandler, you're not helping," I groaned.

Why? Because I feel you're acting stupid, denying what is front of you. Deny it all you want, but you need someone like Liliana in your life.

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