It's over

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I returned to the house and called Kris. I told her what happened. She said that sucked and paid for my return ticket. I love Kris, she knows how to make me feel better.

I went upstairs and packed my bags quickly. I made sure I had everything before dragging my suitcases downstairs. As I finished up, I heard someone say, "You're leaving?"

I turned to see Grandma standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm flying home tonight," I said.

"Why?" Grandma asked, confused.

"Because Dimitri and I broke up. We decided it's not working and there's no need to stay for the wedding," I lied, smiling.

Grandma looked at me curiously.

"You know people give up too easily when there are rough waters. If Grandpa and I gave up every time we had difficulties, we wouldn't have six children," Grandma smirked. I giggled.

I heard a deep voice. "Noni, why do you keep telling people about me as if I'm not here," a man said.

I looked to see an older man standing behind Grandma. She turned to look at the guy.

"Because you weren't," Grandma said.

"You make it sound like I'm dead. Do I look dead to you?" Grandpa asked.

"Well, who told you to stay away so long?" Grandma asked.

"That's Paul's fault. You spoiled him too much," Grandpa replied.

"I did not, you did," Grandma accused Grandpa. I giggled, watching the two.

"Who's this?" Grandpa asked, pointing at me.

"That's Liliana. Dimitri ex-fiancée," Grandma said.

"What's wrong with this one? This girl can't be worst than that other one," Grandpa said incredulously.

"Liliana says they're too different. I say bullshit," Grandma said as I snickered.

"Dimitri needs to get his head out of his ass. Who doesn't enjoy ginger?" Grandpa asked, gesturing with his hands.

I can't with these two and grabbed my bags. I hugged Grandma, then made my way down to my taxi. Here I thought Grandpa was dead and he's alive. Will wonders never cease to amaze me? The driver loaded my bags into his car and I climbed inside of it.

The driver pulled away and drove me to the airport. Tomorrow I will sleep in my bed. I looked out the back window, watching the house become smaller until disappearing from view. Things happen for the best. You learn a lot about yourself from others and I learned a lot about myself on this trip. I learned who I didn't want to become. That was good enough for me.


After getting kicked out of the rehearsal dinner and banned from another place, I went back to the house. I had to catch Liliana before she left.

Alec broke the speed barrier, speeding back to the house. When we pulled up, I got out of the car and ran into the house. I took two steps at a time on the second floor. I ran to the bedroom to find Liliana and her stuff gone. I furrowed my brows.

"Liliana left," Grandma said.

I looked around the bedroom, then faced Grandma. I had cut above my eye and a bloody lip. My clothes were disheveled and hair is messed up.

"Did you win?" Grandma asked, pointing to me.

"I won the fight, but lost the girl," I said with a forlorn look.

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