Little Red Riding Hood

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I dressed for the party and looked in the mirror, shaking my head. I can't believe I let Kris talk me into dressing as Little Red Riding Hood. I will kill her when I get a chance.

After I finished dressing, I came out wearing a dress, white knee socks, black shoes, and a red cape with a hood. Kris looked at me and chuckled.

"It's not funny," I told her, with an unamused look.

"It's hilarious," Kris laughed.

"I can't believe you forced me to dress like this," I said incredulously.

"Hey, at least you don't have to dress as Goldie Locks and I have one bear," Kris told me.

"Shouldn't you have three bears?" I asked.

"I would, but Chandler isn't into foursomes," Kris remarked. I laughed.

"Is his last name really Bear?" I questioned.

"Yep," Kris said.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Well, let's get this over with before I stay home and watch some lame ass show," I mentioned.

We left and went to the costume party. I felt ridiculous dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. Just because my last name is Red and I have red hair doesn't mean I am the character.

We arrived and someone jumped out at us dressed in a bear suit. "Roar," the person growled.

Kris and I looked at each other with an arched eyebrow.

"Did I scare you?" The person asked.

"Yeah, sure," Kris said casually, shrugging.

The person removed their costume head and it surprised me what he looks like. When you hear the name Chandler, you expect someone from the TV show Friends.

"You take the fun out of things," Chandler told Kris.

"It's not my fault you look goofy in that bear costume. It looks like a teddy bear, not a wild animal," Kris remarked.

"I will show you a wild animal later," Chandler remarked.

On that note, I will keep myself occupied. I walked away from Kris and her boy toy, making my way into the party. Music is playing while people drank and socialized. It looks like it's a couple of parties and I'm the lone wolf, irony at best.

After maneuvering through the sea of people, I made it to the table with refreshments. I poured a drink into a plastic cup and saw someone standing next to the table dressed like a wolf. What the hell?

I sipped my drink and decided to make small talk. What the hell do I have to lose?

"So, nice party," I mentioned.

The person turned and looked at me with their wolf mask, nodding.

"Did you come with someone?" I asked.

The person shook their head.

"Did you come alone?" I asked.

The person nodded.

"You're not one for small talk are you?" I asked.

The person shrugged.

"I will take that as a yes. Since you're alone and I'm alone, we will keep each other company," I suggested.

The person nodded.

"So, my crazy friend suggested I dress as Little Red Riding Hood while she dresses as Goldie Locks. I look ridiculous," I mentioned.

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