Male testosterone at it's best

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Harry and I went to the area of the yard, where the Langley's kept statutes. Craig also kept fencing swords due to competing in tournaments. We each grabbed a sword.

"I'm a world-class fencing champion," Harry announced, making a fancy move with a sword.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled, wiping my sword back and forth. Harry's such a pompous ass. It'll make me thrilled to clean the floor with Harry.

We stood in a stance, then did our moves as we started fencing.


"I wonder where Harry is?" Polly questioned.

I shrugged. It's not my job to keep tabs on someone's fiancé. It's difficult enough dealing with Satan.

"What are they doing?" Someone asked, annoyed.

Who's doing what? I wondered to myself as I finished my food and tossed my plate into the trash can. I followed everyone to another area of a yard as I saw a sight I never thought I'd see. Satan's fencing with Harry and they suck at it.

"Harry!" Polly yelled.

"Not now, Cherisse!" Harry yelled, lunging at Satan. Satan moved out of the way, causing Harry to stumble, then poked Harry in the ass with the tip of the fencing sword.

"One point to me. Two more and I win," Satan told Harry.

"In your dreams," Harry growled, charging at Satan.

Satan leaned down as Harry flew over his back, landing on the ground with a thud.

"What are you doing? Don't let Dimitri win!" Polly yelled at Harry.

Harry got to his feet and charged at Satan.

"Kick his ass, Satan!" I yelled as everyone looked at me, including Satan. "What? I have to support my sugarbutt."

Harry crashed into Satan, knocking Satan down to the ground. Harry took his sword and poked Satan with it.

"Ha! Take that, you lech," Harry spoke smugly. Okay, I don't like this guy.

Satan got up and brushed himself off as we stood there, watching.

Satan held up his fencing sword and pointed it at Harry. "That would make me lecherous, which I'm not. You, on the other hand, are a smug ass weasel who takes the easy way out."

I giggled as everyone looked at me. "What? It was funny, considering Satan is humorless." I shrugged. People should lighten up or they're destined for misery.


"Un guard," I announced as we started fighting. Harry felt the need to play dirty. I felt the need to kick his ass. He charged me as I threw him back. Harry kept charging me as I defended myself.

We struggled with each other. What is wrong with this guy? I can't help it if I'm better at fencing than he is. There's no need to fight dirty.

As we fought, Harry knocked my fencing sword out of my hand.

"Ha! It looks like you lose," Harry announced. I put my hands up in defense as he stood there, smugly, raising his sword to finish me off.

I watched as Harry's expression changed and he let out a squeak. I watched Harry drop his sword then drop to his knees while holding his boys. Harry fell to the ground, crying. I looked up to see Liliana standing behind Harry, holding a broom.

"Where did you get the broom?" I questioned.

"I found it in the shed. While you two baboons were proving how much testosterone you both have, I wanted to help," Liliana told me, smiling.

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