Goldie's bear brothers

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I looked around my room for a book when I heard someone yell, "Oh, Goldilocks, come out to play!"

I stood up and inwardly groaned.

"Yeah, Goldilocks, okay with us," another yelled.

I walked over to my window and stuck my head out, then got pelted with water balloons. I screamed while the obnoxious Bear brothers laughed.

"I see you're all wet!" Damien yelled, laughing.

"Ever heard of the story of the big bad wolf?" I asked with a look. The boys looked at me, I glared at them. They ran and I brought my head into my bedroom.

My door opened and I turned to see my parents standing there.

"Can I eat them?" I asked, pointing at my window.

"Yes," Dad said.

Mom rolled her eyes, and said, "No."

"Can I hurt them?" I asked.

My parents looked at each other, shrugged and said, "Yes."

That's good enough for me. I smirked as I grabbed some clothes to change. Once I finished, I set a trap for the obnoxious bear brothers. They're going down.

I enlisted Dante's help since he enjoyed making the boys suffer as much as I did. Yeah, we're wolves and take no prisoners. After finishing, we grabbed the hose and I prayed it into the open windows. That earned a collective yell as the three brothers ran out of the house and into the trap.

Dante and I stood there watching the three brothers hang from a tree branch with a rope around their legs.

"Get us down!" Damien ordered.

"Nope, you look better hanging like a chicken," I said.

"Goldie, that's not funny," Cedric huffed.

"It's hilarious," I smirked.

"Please, Goldie," Andrew begged.

"I would if I could, but I won't," I said, shrugging. I looked at Dante. "Batter's up."

Dante smiled devilishly as I walked away. The Bear brother's eyes widened as Dante grabbed a stick and started hitting them like a piñata. Yeah, my brother is the big bad wolf and takes after our dad. I take after our mom.

I walked into the kitchen as my parents looked at me.

"Where's your brother?" Mom asked.

"Dante is having batting practice," I answered, grabbing some food. My parents got up quickly and ran to the back door to see Dante whacking the brothers around like a stiff animal. Dad laughed, Mom smacked Dad, and I enjoyed my breakfast.


After getting whacked a hundred times from Dante, we managed to get down with Dad's help. Dad laughed which didn't help.

"Goldie is so dead," Damien huffed.

"No, she's not. What did I tell you about messing with Goldie?" Dad asked.

"Goldie can't take a joke," Cedric said.

"I don't call pelting Goldie with water balloons a joke. Plus, her last name is Wolf," Dad told us.

"It doesn't matter, I have plans for Goldilocks," Damien said, rubbing his hands together. Damien and Cedric went into the house as I furrowed my brows.

"What's wrong with you?" Dad asked.

I looked at Dad. "Did you ever like someone, but afraid to tell the person because you know it ends in disaster?" I asked.

"Son, I'm a commitment-phobe. Your mother slammed her cart into my cart at the grocery store, then tackled me until I agreed to date her," Dad said.

"You're no help," I said.

"It's my duty as a father to screw you up and send you out into the world. I helped screw up Dimitri and he got married," Dad said, shrugging.

"That's still not helping," I said.

"Give it time. You have plenty of time to screw up any chance at happiness," Dad reasoned as he turned and walked away.

I looked at Goldie's window. That's the problem, I like someone and if I leave it to my brothers, they will screw me over with it. Then, you have the fact the same person is dating someone who's an asshole.

Perhaps, it destines me alone. Well, I still have school to get through, maybe then, I will figure out my happiness.


Over the next four years, I dealt with the obnoxious bear brothers and my boyfriend, George. Dad and Mom hated George and Dante wasn't a fan. What is wrong with my family?

In my last year of college, I got a reprieve from the obnoxious brothers who disappeared. The gods answered my prayers. George and I were doing well and I expected a proposal from him. George and I dated for five years and I couldn't wait to marry him.

Our anniversary arrived and George canceled claiming his grandmother is sick. I decided to bring chicken soup over for his grandma. I let myself into George's place, set the bowl of soup down on the counter, then went to find George. Oh, I found him all right, in bed with some hoe.

Now, most women will run out of the place, crying. I'm not one of those women. I'm a Wolf and wolves don't retreat. I decided to show George who the big bad wolf is along with his slut. There was a lot of screaming and blood. George is guaranteed never to reproduce, ever.

I left his bedroom, grabbed my soup, then left his place. George doesn't deserve my soup or anything else. I arrived home as Greta came out of the kitchen.

"I thought you took soup over for George's grandma?" Greta asked.

"Grandma's not sick and George will no longer reproduce," I replied.

Greta's face contorted to surprised.

"Well, that's five years of my life I will never get back," I said, handing Greta the bowl.

"I'm still available," Hans mentioned, grinning cheekily.

I looked at Hans strangely. "That's like dating my brother, which is a no," I said.

"Suit yourself," Hans shrugged and went back to watching TV.

Meet my roommates, Hansel and Gretal, who are twins. I met them in college and we became close to each other. Since I didn't feel the need to move home, I moved in with both.

I decided tonight, the single life is for me. Plus, I'm starting a new job tomorrow, lucky me. I will work with obnoxious people who will annoy me to no end. I didn't know how true that statement will be tomorrow.

This completed Red's Wolf, but the story doesn't end here. If you haven't picked up what I'm throwing down, then I will tell you.

You're getting a fairytale series involving different fairytale characters who are interwoven with each other. Don't expect your typical fairytales, these will be funnier.

The next book is titled Goldie and the obnoxious Bear brothers. It's a spin on Goldilocks.

See you in the next book.

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