To avoid or not to avoid, that's the question

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You know how you realize something and wish that you didn't because it makes life less complicated? Well, I'm not that person. My life gets complicated when I don't want it that way. Even if I realize the pertinent information, there's no way to avoid complications.

I agreed to accompany Satan on this stupid trip with an equally stupid idea for a promotion, not have some weird sex dream about Satan. You add the fact that I saw Satan naked a few times and things took a turn. Now, it's time to avoid my fake fiancé until we leave, which is easier said than done.

I got up early and got ready, then snuck out of the bedroom while Satan's sleeping. I tiptoed down the steps, avoiding any creaking until I stepped on a step, making a sound.

"Liliana," I heard someone say. Well, shit.

I turned around to see Satan standing at the top of the steps.

"Where are you going this early?" Satan asked.

"I'm going to breakfast. I got hungry and didn't want to wake your parents," I lied. Yeah, I'm avoiding spending time around you.

"Breakfast sounds good and I know a great place. Give me five minutes and I'll join you," Satan said.

"Cool," I said casually. Ugh, why did I have to step on that loud step? I could leave now and I won't have to worry about Satan joining me. Okay, feet, you can move like now.

I willed my feet to move and they're not cooperating, Satan returned dressed.

"Let's get some breakfast," Satan said.

"Sounds good," I agreed. I left with Satan to get breakfast. Now my feet move. Curse you feet for betraying me and keeping me from leaving.

We got into the car, then Satan pulled out of the driveway, driving us to a restaurant. The car ride is silence, which is okay with me. Why the hell am I nervous? I glanced at Satan who looked relax for once. I noticed his casual attire and the way his muscles in his arms bulged. I quickly looked away from Satan.

"Is everything okay?" Satan asked.

"Um, yep," I nervously answered.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

I glanced at Satan, then my eyes wandered to his shorts. My eyes widened when I noticed the bulge in his shorts. I quickly diverted my eyes to the window.

"What?" Satan asked.

"Nothing," I answered. That's a damn lie. Satan chuckled. How did I never notice his deep, hearty laugh before now? Stop it, Liliana. You're having unholy thoughts about Satan. That damn dream, I blame it.

We pulled up to a restaurant and hurried out of the car. Satan followed suit. He reached me quickly thanks to his long, muscular legs. It doesn't help my legs are shorter. I should stop thinking about his muscles.

A woman showed us to a table and we sat down at it. I grabbed my menu, holding it up to avoid making eye contact with Satan. Do you know the saying, out of sight, out of mind? Well, out of sight, and I don't think of unholy things I want Satan to do to me.

"So, I got thinking about something," Satan said.

"Oh, you used your brain? Good for you," I congratulated Satan.

"I always use my brain," Satan said.

"Sure you do," I agreed.

"Liliana," Satan said. I can hear the annoyance in his voice.

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