Chapter eleven

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One week later
Y/n's Point Of View

I was sitting in that cell bruised and blood dried on my skin I couldn't tell what time of day it was anymore, I was only I'm my bra and underwear the pirate man had tried multiple times to rape me but was always stopped just in time 'Thank god' I thought hearing Pirate groan. He pulled up his pants and walked out of the cage locking it I just sat there rocking back and forth, I heard the door open and I looked up seeing Rick with a girl I quickly got up running to the gate "R-Rick?" I questioned sobbing. His eyes widened seeing the state I was in he had a ring of keys in his hand he tried all of them till the gate opened, I ran out hugging him collapsing in his arms.

"Come on let's get you outta here" he said picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of the room, I was so tired and I had questions buzzing through my mind 'why did it take so long to find me, whatever it doesn't matter now I'll be back home soon and I'll get to see Carl again. I thought I was gonna die, he almost rapped me multiple times' I thought.

I soon felt myself drifting towards a deep sleep, I hadn't been able to sleep soundly and safely in about eight days or more and I was exhausted.

Carl's Point Of View

I saw my dads car coming down the road I quickly opened the gates letting him in once the car was fully in I closed the gates locking them, I broke into a run after the car hoping he had found Y/n and that she was safe and alive. Soon the car stopped and I ran to the windows to see my girlfriend asleep in the backseat in only her bra and underwear, I couldn't tell If she was harmed or not. My dad picked her up from the backseat and the two of us ran inside, Hershel was already up and ready along with Kate. Once I saw Y/n in the light I felt myself tear up Kate was practically sobbing.

I looked at her frail body she looked bony she probably didn't eat much there, I looked at all the bruises and cuts on her body and there was one that stood out to me the most. There was a fresh handprint on her face I didn't have my hat on at the time so I was standing there pulling on my hair in anger 'If I went with I could have protected her maybe this wouldn't have happened to her' I was pacing the room just engulfed in my thoughts, I heard someone saying my name but ignored them soon a pair of hands where on my shoulder I looked over at the person who had their hands on my shoulders to see Kate. Her hazel eyes where puffy and red from crying "G-go lay down I'm bringing her go her cell, go in there if you want" she said her voice breaking from sadness, I  nodded and walked up the stairs to her cell I had a chair in there I sat down on the chair waiting for Kate and whoever else was helping her to bring her here.

About an hour later Kate and my dad walked in my dad held Y/n in his arms he gently laid her down on her bed, Kate looked at me "I'll bring up some food for you two" she whispered. I nodded and I scooted my chair closer to her bed and I rested my hand on her face, I felt hot tears running down my face "I'm so so sorry for pushing you away after my moms death, I was just angry and upset. I remember what my mom said not to take my anger out on you, go to you for comfort. And I'm so fucking sorry if you felt like I was mad at you I wasn't" I said my voice breaking.

I felt the tears running down my face and I wiped the tears away with my free hand "I love you so much Y/n I can't lose you, you complete me I can't lose" I repeated over and over. I was sobbing loudly  soon I fell asleep crying.

The next morning
[Still Carl's pov]

I woke up the next morning my face stained with dry tears I sat up there where two plates on the floor with food on it, I sighed and I just looked at the food I felt the bed move a bit and I looked up to see Y/n moving in her sleep. She was muttering in her sleep stuff along the lines of 'No please' and 'don't touch me' I looked her anger boiling throughout my body 'What did this bastard do to my girl?' I asked myself, I soon as I met this mother fucker I was gonna make him suffer  a slow painful death. I got up pulling on my hair I let go of my hair and I punched the wall busting my knuckles open, when that happened Kate walked in to check on us.

"Carl what the fuck did you do?!" She practically shouted, I was looking down at my bleeding knuckles. She grabbed some bandages and other products, she cleaned the cuts and bandaged them up "Your fucking stupid I hope you know" she hissed coldly, I rolled my eyes and she told me to leave so she could deal with her wounds. I stood outside her cell waiting for Kate to deal with the cuts she had a lot of them from what I could tell, whip markings on her back cuts on her arms, chest, and face. I was so angry I'm gonna find this bastard and I swear on everything I'll make him suffer for what he did to the love of my life.


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