Chapter twenty seven

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The next morning
Y/n's Point Of View

I woke up the next morning Carl still holding onto me he was snoring slightly and his burnette hair was a mess I smiled admiring his features, he groaned slightly and then opened his beautiful blue eyes "Morning" he murmured his voice deep and sexy[😏] I smiled "Morning cowboy, it's time to get up we got work to do" I said softly.

He groaned and I went to get up when I was pulled onto Carl I blushed "Can we just stay here and cuddle for a while?" He asked, I smiled "Fine, but if we get in trouble it's your fault" I replied chuckling. He shrugged "Worth it" he said grabbing my face with his hands and kissing me deeply the two of us sat up so I was sitting on his lap my legs wrapped around his torso, his hands moved down to my waist I heard the door open but we didn't pull away.

"WHAT THE FUCK, Gabriel lemme borrow your bible cause holy shit!" I heard Rick yell as he walked away, the two of us pulled away outta breathe I broke out in laughter and so did Carl. I got off of him grabbing my black tank top and leather jacket, I pulled on a pair of black leggings and I pulled my tank top over my head and threw on my jacket I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I smiled and I turned my head and looked at Carl his head on my shoulder he kissed my neck "Your so beautiful you know that?" He asked looking at me, I chuckled and shook my head he let go of me and eent to get ready himself.

Once the two of us where ready we walked out of the small office all heads turned in out direction everyone was there except for two people, I looked around in confusion "Where are Daryl and Carol?" I asked "We don't know" Kate responded looking at me. I felt a wave of worry rush over my body Darly was like a father to me and Carol was like an aunt I was extremely worried "Has anyone tried looking for them?!" I practically shouted, Rick held his hands up "Hey we just found out we're making groups right now." He said I signed and I felt Carl grab my hand I looked over and he gave me a reassuring smile.

After groups had been made we all left leaving Glenn, Maggie, Father Gabriel and Judith at the church to watch over it since someone had to stay with Judith and we didn't trust Gabriel enough to leave him alone with Judith.

Carl,Me, and Eugene
Tara,Abraham, and Rosita
Tyreese, Shasha, and Bob
And finally Michonne and Rick together they worked well as a team and Michonne wanted to talk to Rick about something, soon the groups left in search for the two Rick told Bob and Sasha to meet him back at the church in about an hour so they could go hit that food bank with Father Gabriel.

Me, Carl and Eugene where walking along the highway I had my katana in hand ready I soon saw a Walker heading in our direction Carl aimed his silence pistol and I put my hand on it making him lower it, I looked over at Eugene I wanted to test his skills "Eugene go kill it" I said calmly he looked at me terrified.

"W-why me?" He stuttered out I glared at him "Just fucking do it!" I snapped he leaped in shock at my tone he just nodded and walked towards the Walker, I crossed my arms as he approached it he lifted up the machete he had and went to swing it at the walker. He was going to hit it in the side of the head but he hit its neck instead the walker fell on him and I sighed as he struggled with it, I walked up to the two and I cut the walkers head in half blood spilling on Eugene's face "Is it really that hard to kill a bunch of flesh Eugene?!" I snapped glaring at him.

He quickly stood up "I-" I quickly cut him off "It's not that fucking hard, the head nothing more. You need to learn how to fucking defend yourself or your dead!" I yelled I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked back at Carl, I sighed and I walked off contining the search.


It was getting dark out me, Carl, and Eugene had made it back to the church everyone seemed happy and it looked like the food run went great due to all the canned foods around, me and Carl sat down on the ground and everyone grabbed a can of food with a smile

Narrator's Point Of View

Everyone was eating and chatting Bob sneakily made his way out of the Church he sighed once he was far from the church he lifted up his shirt to reveal the bite that was on his stomach, he heard rustling from behind him and he quickly put down his shirt and turned around he saw someone he hoped he'd never see again. Soon everything went black.

The rest of the group hadn't even noticed that Bob had left Tara was talking with Y/n and Carl about their relationship and how they met, Glenn and Maggie where cuddling Maggie was still worried about Beth. Rick was holding Judith and playing with her while looking at Y/n and Carl 'Oh Lori if you could see them now, you'd be just as proud as me. Maybe prouder' he thought with a smile, he looked at Judith she was smiling and pulling on his beard she was starting to look more and more like Lori she had Shane's eyes and hair color. He knew that Judith wasn't his blood daughter but he'd never tell her that and no matter whose blood daughter she was, she will always be his daughter no matter what he gave the child a kiss on the forehead and went back to watching the others.

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