Chapter Forty eight

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Y/n's Point Of View

Soon we arrived at the base I stayed with Carol and Maggie and everyone else went to take out Negan and his men, me Carol and Maggie had the Rv I'm not sure why they let us take it but it didn't matter. I was sitting on the roof looking at their base I held Kate's gun tightly in my hand, I was worried about Carl what if he got hurt I took a deep breath my grip tightening on the handle. I heard Carol and Maggie arguing from below they must have forgotten I was here, I sat there and listened quietly "Why did you come?" I heard Carol ask. It was quite for a bit "Because my husband is in there" Maggie replied sternsternly I heard Carol sigh "Maggie you pregpregnant, your putting that baby in danger by doing this" Caril said, soon gunshots started ringing from the base I stood up and I jumped off the Rv Carol ran after me as I made my way to the fence.

I felt a shoulder on my hand and I glared at her "They need help, we need to go after them" Maggie said walking by us, Carol shook her head "We're staying here" she said sternly Maggie was standing next to me the fence near us along with some forest. I saw Carol reach for her gun and I heard steps from behind us I reached down grabbing Kate's gun from my holster, Carol's gun went off and I turned around aiming my gun at the man that had fell I heard a click from behind us and I turned around to see a blonde woman holding a gun to Carol's head.

Carol mouthed something to me that looked like 'Run' I still had my gun in hand I quickly shot one of the guys in the legs and I broke into a run, I was running through the woods my gun still held in my hand I hoped that Maggie and Carol could make it away and I bought them time. I honestly had no idea where I was going I was running blindly through the woods, all I could hear where my sharp breathing and the groans and moans of walkers I stopped to catch my breath a bit. I could bearly see there was a faint moon lighting I leaned against a tree I was breathing heavily, I was holding onto my chest I heard rusting from behind me I still had my gun in my hand.

I held it up aiming at at a figure I watched hands go up "Hey hey chill I'm human not a biter" I heard a male voice say that voice sounded very familiar, I still held my gun up cautious "What's your name?" I asked coldly I heard the man gasp slightly. He then quickly responded "Jonathan Baker, and you?" He asked "Y/n Grimes, formally Y/n l/n" I responded, he gasped and walked forward I could see his blonde hair "Y-Y/n do you remember me?" He asked


It was elementary school probably 4th grade me and Kate where sitting outside with our bestfriend Jonathan we where talking about a sleep over this weekend, "Hmm we should do it at Jon's place, it's better there and we won't have to deal with my parents arguing. And Kate's mom bugging us every second" I said. Jon laughed and me and Kate joined in we sat there planning all the stupid shuff to do that night, all of us where hella excited for this we had sleep overs like this almost all the time.

End of flashback

I stood there my eyes wide "Oh my god Jonny?" I asked teary eyed I ran at him hugging him smiling, I pulled away "I thought you where dead, me and Kate went to your house but it was overrun we thought you died" I said my voice breaking. He laughed "N/n it takes a lot more to kill me, but I have a huge question. Why is your last name Grimes now?" He asked, I could hear the confusion in his voice "I'll explain later but for one we need to get the hell out of here and back to Hilltop, and I'll have to ask you some questions on the way" I said looking at him he nodded understandably and we started walking hopefully in the direction of Hilltop.

"So how many walkers have you killed?" I asked walking next to him gun in hand "To many to count" he replied, I gave him a curt nod "How many people have you killed, it took a while for him to reply "Four" he replied quietly "Why?" I asked finally. He stoped and looked at me "Because they where gonna turn if I didn't" he said I nodded and we continued onward, I sighed and continued walking it was getting brighter out and I had to be honest we where completely fucking lost.

"We should find somewhere to rest" I said Jonathan looked at me nodding he pointed to an abandoned shed, I wasn't going to question why it was there I was just thankful it was. We quickly ran for it I put my gun away pulling out my knife I didn't bring my katana with me this time thinking something would happen, Jon opens the doors and nothing came out we both walked in it and I closed the doors I grabbed a rake putting it through the handles of the door.

I sat down on the ground "So I guess now is the best time to explain my last name and what happened huh" I said looking at Jon who was sitting across from me, he looked up intrested he nodded quickly "Well when it all started it was just me and Kate we where staying in a apartment complexe in our hometown, one day the two of us went out looking for supplies I went out by myself. And I basically almost cut this boys head off and honestly I'm glad I didn't, well I took the boy out and we met up with his group and Kate being the big mouth she is said a herd of walkers where comin and invited them to stay. Skip to a few days later we're on a farm with the boys group I end up getting shot" I said lifting up my shirt hoping he could see the scar.

"Well days later this boys dad gets in a fight with his bestfriend and he ends up killing him we have to leave the farm due to a herd, we meet up on a highway and we started looking for a place to stay. A few months later I find a prison we could stay at we clear out the prison and our doctor Hershel gets bit in the leg, we cut it off saving his life and the next day walkers get inside and me and the boy who I forgot to mention his name is Carl. We run inside the prison with his pregnant mom and Hershel's oldest daughter Maggie, we end up getting trapped and moving into a room Lori had to get a Csection to save the baby and she died." I said.

"We get attacked by this guy named the Governo-" I stood talking at the sounds of Jonathan's snoring I crossed my eyes "Asshole" I muttered surprising a laugh, I stood up and I peeked through the crack of the door I sat back down and I just listened to the sounds of my thoughts and Jonathan's soft snoring.


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